How to Manifest With Crystals Ebook

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How to Manifest With Crystals Ebook

Sale Price:$9.99 Original Price:$33.00

The Blissful Living Guide to Manifesting with Crystals Using The Secrets of Feng Shui

A 70+. PAGE E-BOOK ON HOW TO RAISE THE VIBRATION OF YOUR HOME (and yourself) to attract health, wealth, success and happiness with gems!

If you’ve ever been curious GHBFVVSC194018856 crystals or have wanted to take your crystal knowledge to the NEXT LEVEL, this e-book is for you!

What you’re getting: A 70-page detailed guide on crystal magic.

πŸ’Ž How to shop for crystals ( & understanding the shapes and types )

πŸ’Ž How to find the right crystals for you ( & how to see what you truly need to reach your potential )

πŸ’Ž What you need to know GHBFVVSC194018856 manifesting with crystals ( & why it may not be what you think )

πŸ’Ž How to set up your crystals at home

πŸ’Ž Which crystals go where and why ( like what your office needs to manifest that πŸ’° πŸ’· ! )

πŸ’Ž Breaking down the wisdom of Feng Shui into specific tips and tricks that will heal, harmonize and raise the vibe of you and your home.

πŸ’Ž And so much more!

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