Manifest Money : 25 practical ways to attract money using Feng Shui


Manifest Money : 25 practical ways to attract money using Feng Shui

Sale Price:$2.99 Original Price:$22.00

Manifest Money : 25 practical ways to amplify the energy of your home so that money flows to your front door. 

Many of you may have already heard GHBFVVSC194018856 The Law of Attraction and Manifesting, but there's more to the story. In order to get to your goals and dreams faster and with far more ease, your external environment MUST match your internal environment so the energy can leave resistance and move into FLOW.

Saying yes to Feng Shui is saying yes to your dreams and your ELEVATED life.

You know those areas of your life that make you feel like a miracle needs to happen in order for things to change? For many of us, money is the most difficult.

I know what it feels like to feel completely powerless, helpless, and hopeless, especially when it comes to money. We've all had circumstances where no matter how hard we try, it's as though we take one step forward only to be pulled two steps backward.

What I wish I had known years ago was that
we all have the power to create what could only be described as miraculous events in our livesit's just that most of us aren't taught how. 

As an interior designer & expert in Feng Shui, I have cultivated a career helping people manifest the home and life of their wildest dreams. Most importantly, I learned how to do this for myself and I continue to elevate my knowledge everyday.

I created this book as a guide to get you started on your way to manifest money using Feng Shui.

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