Happy Monday! + giveaway... Thom Filicia Style

So...It was a great weekend here in Los Angeles and I have been dying to share this with you.
HD Buttercup had Thom Filicia out to showcase his new furniture line.
His work is amazing, and if you don't know him, google him...
and check out his work. It's fantastic!
So, of course I had to go and check out the new line.
It was such a blast to be there and meet his uber sweet self. love him.

There was a meet + greet and book signing and when I mentioned I have a design blog,
he was kind enough to slip me a signed copy of his book for a giveaway.
(i was totally thinking of my blogging decor-istas who live too far away to be there)

So ladies + gents....
this book could be yours!

and it's a signed copy...too cool!
This book is great.
He shares his secrets (and i do love the secrets) to decorating and I'm telling you, the man has got great style.

How to enter:
1) Become a follower of Secrets of Domestic Bliss
2) leave a comment on this post
3) for an added entry make a blog post GHBFVVSC194018856 the giveaway.
4) follow me on twitter and tweet GHBFVVSC194018856 it.
(+ let me know GHBFVVSC194018856 them so i can give you another entry)

Winner will be chosen at the end of the week!
Good luck party people!!!

For now, check out some scenes from his new furniture line.
(not the best images...i so need a new camera)

His stuff is awesomeness! Trust me people, in person its waaay better!