we have a winner!

My cousin and I sat there forever....literally,
putting blog names in a big bowl and were so nervous to actually pic a winner.
why? i have no idea.
i think its because I wanted everyone to win. :(
how can i just pick one?
but we did it........and I am so happy to say that the winner is
the super lovely
the blogger behind
Belle Maison 

Thanks for all of your entries chica!
Email me with your info as soon as you can. 

Jules said...

how fun! i'd love to win this book :) you are one lucky lady to have met Thom and how nice of him to give you a signed copy for your blog readers! Okay - I'm already a follower of your blog; I just tweeted GHBFVVSC194018856 this (http://bit.ly/a4indf)and I already follow you on Twitter. thanks for doing such a fun giveaway!

and thank you amazing SODB readers for entering my first giveaway. 
it was super fun!