SIX TO BLISS: the julie thigpen edition

Who: Julie Thigpen
Where: Orange County, CA
What: Uber talented Interior Designer and very creative blogger of the gorgeous Belle Maison

Hello everyone. My name is Julie and I’m thrilled that Ashlina asked me to participate in her Six to Bliss Series! There are so many things that contribute to my personal domestic bliss, it was hard to narrow down the list to just six. After some time thinking the list over, I settled on the  six little things that bring me the most joy in my home everyday (besides my husband and two kitties). I hope you enjoy learning a little GHBFVVSC194018856 me and I thank Ashlina for allowing me to share!

1)      The freshly brewed coffee in the morning! One of my favorite ways to start the day is with a fresh pot of coffee – it smells wonderful and I actually prefer a homemade cup over Starbucks! My secret ingredient is Coffee Mate Creamer in Hazelnut (non fat) topped with a dollop of whipped cream. I seriously makes me happy!

2)      Vases of fresh cut flowers. Any chance I get, I place small arrangements of fresh blooms around my apartment. It’s a wonderful way to add color and bring a little bit of the outdoors inside.   

3)      Clean, crisp bedding. I love clean sheets and wash ours every couple of days…I swear I sleep better in freshly laundered sheets.

4)      Stacks of chunky cocktail table books. Our living room is filled with stacks of design books and magazines. Books are a great way to accessorize as well as provide guests with something to do; they also keep me inspired on a daily basis.

5)      Pretty bath products. I love scented bath and body products, especially when they come in pretty packaging! Displaying a collection of lovely bottles and soaps neatly on tray is a stylish and practical way to accessorize your bathroom countertop.
6)      Lots of accent pillows. Our sofa is filled with accent pillows – all different colors, patterns and textures. Pillows add an element of comfort and are the easiest thing to change when you decide it’s time to update your look.

Julie...thank you so much for sharing with us your SIX TO BLISS. You are a complete inspiration to me, i absolutely just love what you do!