It's giveaway time! Oh joy's book Creative, Inc.

Hi lovely blog readers!
I want to let you know how much I appreciate you reading...and your comments.
It still amazes me how amazing blogging + blog friends can be.
Having a creative outlet like this, is one of the biggest blessings in my life. I love it!
This blog has given me so many amazing things, 
 including all my new creative and like minded friends.

So many of you have so much talent, and I really want to encourage everyone to follow their 
creative passions. This book Creative, Inc. has brought me so much fabulous information and 
is definitely a MUST READ for anyone who wants to pursue their creative dream.
So I bought 2 copies to give away to 2 lucky readers...for motivation!

You guys know the drill:
1. You must be a follower of The Decorista on google.
2.  leave a comment and tell me what your creative passion might be!
For extra entries:
3. Follow on twitter + tweet GHBFVVSC194018856 the giveaway (mention @thedecorista)
4. Like on facebook
{make sure you make a comment for each extra entry}

Two lovely readers will be announced 1 week from today!