SIX TO BLISS: the marianne strong edition

Today's SIX TO BLISS is from one of my most favorite faith filled sweethearts in the blog-o-sphere. Marianne is such a big inspiration to me...I adore her.
Who: Marianne Strong
Where: Birmingham, Alabama
What: A super fun interior decorator and writer of the blog, Haven & Home.

Hello!  I am so excited to be here!  Not only is Ashlina's blog beautiful but she is wonderful person as well and I was flattered to be part of this series.  Some of these may be repeats but here is my list for Six To Bliss:

1. Unexpected Jolts of Color On Unexpected Objects...
2. Well Styled Bookshelves (I am still working on this, yikes!)...

3. Eyecatching Wallpaper...
 4. An Upholstered Headboard...
5. And Staying With Beds...Legna Sheets...
worth every penny, I wouldn't steer you wrong!
6. A Beautiful Closet 
(still working on this one too, a girl can dream can't she?)...
 Ashlina, Thanks again for having me!!!!