10 things that rocked my world this week! september 17

1. I've realized that not only do I enjoy decorating spaces...I also secretly really enjoy decorating food. How pretty is this dish? All decorista'd out! 

 2. Flowers. Flowers. Flowers. They truly are the bread and butter of a really well done photoshoot! 
 3. So excited to have had my latest project shot this week for the magazine...I cannot wait to get the pictures published. I hope you guys LOVE as much as I do.
 4. Styled by Accidental Chic for the photoshoot and my word did I just LOVE the jewelry. I felt very 'real housewives of BH'. 
5. The fall weather has commenced. This is what gorgeous weather does to me. I just get so very happy.
I was enjoying a stroll with a sweet friend in the park watching a man blow really big bubbles. I felt like a little girl all over again. I love those moments.
 6. Reason number 735 why I am loving this gorgeous fall weather in NYC is that I walk outside more. And when walking outside, I stumble upon the most gorgeous little shops and this one was a detour for a few hours. I could spend all day thinking GHBFVVSC194018856 the history in the city and the fabulous people who owned these amazing pieces.
 7. Going for a morning jog by the west side river just clears my mind and gets me going for the new things to come. I love the changing seasons. I feel like its just a new beginning for so many beautiful things. 
8. Meet the newest addition to my team, Morgan. Very sweet, very excited to get her going with all kinds of fun things. 
9. We attended the NY SPACES magazine Top 50 designers event. Lots of fabulous tiles, lots of fabulous designers. I so enjoy a good decorator party.
10. Night time NYC rooftop view...this city is so magical. I am in love.