I'm off to DALLAS...

and I am beyond excited to get there. I'm hoping to see old faces and make new friends at the VandM.com event (if you live in Dallas, do join us), do lots and lots of shopping and spending good time with family.
Anybody have any suggestions as to vintage shops and fabulous stores I must not miss...please let me know! 
And of course, I couldn't leave you without any intoxicating decor photos so take a peek at what I have been crushing on lately...

my best pal Cass's christmas tree.
ridiculously modern and cool wallpaper.
poufy sleeves and poufy skirts.
the most ridiculously good set of stairs I have ever seen.
Mr. Goodwill Huntings perfect tie on wreath, so chic.
If it isn't evident from this post, I will let you guys in on a little secret...