Secret of domestic bliss #60...a mirrored coffee table

The fashion world is always inspiring my decor choices and when I saw this little peek at Rachel Zoe's fashion offices, I instantly realized just how stylish mirrored coffee tables are. They are the epitome of chic and I can't get enough of how amazing they make any living room look...

The way Stephen Sills uses yellow in this room just bewilders my heart.
This coffee table in Ashley Starks apartment always took my breath away, I loved it in Domino.
I was always inspired by this particular table and took the inspiration to my apartment
So, this is my mirrored coffee table, inspired by the one above, and it perks up my little apartment perfectly...
images 1. rachel zoe 2.pinterest  3. elle decor spain   4. decor pad 5. stephen sills 6. Ashley Starks-Domino 7. my apartment