Wallcolor Wedensday: Pretty Purple in Beirut

“Above all, design is not GHBFVVSC194018856 theory—it doesn’t matter whether pink and green go together. What matters are objects. They’re what give soul to a house. My home is a sanctuary where I’m surrounded by things I like.” -- interior designer May Daouk...

I love this beautiful home in Beirut decorated by Bunny Williams' former employee, May Daouk. She moved to Beirut from NYC GHBFVVSC194018856 10 years ago and has made this rare + gorgeous home, one of her very own. I am smitten by the way she mixes colors and have really come to be fond of the idea that all colors go together. 
Blues, purples, pinks, greens, red and gold to boot! Everything exotic works in this space.
In fact, Beirut barely even has many homes, as this is one of the few in the downtown area. 
It's so fascinating to me to see homes from around the world. Go Margaret Russell! 
Simon Watson for Architectural Digest