Secret of Domestic Bliss #65...ADORABLE ENTRYWAY

When you first enter into a home or an apartment you really want to be impressed right? Well, I highly recommend that we all amp up the wow factor in our entryway. It is absolutely the most essential spot for style. Even in my little NYC studio, with no space, I still made major impact with just stripes and a few photos on the wall. It's easy to add a few things for style, here are some tips for inspiration...

I love the pop of white molding on this hot pink door and a mirror to maximize the space.
The coral walls and pop of aqua is so dreamy. 
Wallpaper or paint with any of kind pattern works absolute wonders. 
Black is always a favorite of mine and this glam gold mirror is so simple yet packs so much style.
I think I have a thing for stripes in the entryway..
