15 moments of domestic bliss

This week in the city has been incredibly special for me. After my long week in the Hamptons, I couldn't wait to get home and I just love that feeling. There are so many things that say 'domestic bliss' to me and today I want to share them with you...

 1. Relaxing on the sofa after a long day with your favorite furry friends.
 2. Sitting in bed and feeling the coziness of your luxe bedding.
 4. Having couch time coffee and desserts with the ones you love.
 5. Perfecting your craftiness in the kitchen.
 6. Lighting pretty smelling candles before the guests arrive.
 6. Choosing which book or magazine to read from your ever growing collection. 
 7. Raiding the fridge after a long night.
 8. Working from your fabulously decorated home office. 
 9. Enjoying the night light glow on your patio.
 10. Entertaining and hostessing for your favorite people. 
 11. Raiding your jewelry closet and feeling ultra glamorous.
 12. Reading the most intoxicating book, you don't even want to fall asleep. 
 13. Blasting your favorite music as loud as you want because nobody else is home. 
 14. Introducing your home to greenery even if you kill everything.
15. Arriving home from a long weekend, opening up the windows, looking out at your city and thinking to yourself, "there is no place like home"...

images via my collection of domestic bliss