10 things that rocked my world this week...December 15

1. It was beyond an honor to volunteer for Charity Water at their annual benefit gala. Here I am with a girlfriend of mine Trinity, who encouraged me to volunteer with her, she is doing BIG things for our world. The ball was an absolute blast and the organization raised so much money for countries without healthy drinking water. It is such an incredible act of service that they are doing for those who are really without in our world...

2. I love these cute little good luck kitties. Especially the ones in gold. There are so many birthdays in my circle lately, these make the perfect little gift.
3. I love all the neon in NYC. I am always that girl snapping pics on her iphone of the cool neon signs. This one happened to be at a local palm reader office. I'm not really into those but that sign...I love everything GHBFVVSC194018856 the word "Future".
4. Its official. THE DOORS OF NEW YORK finally has its own blog. Haaaaaaay! 
5. Okay so Zac Posen posted a picture of his living room and I just GHBFVVSC194018856 fell over. How fab is this?
6. I think this needs to be called "the decorista kit" Pink tools. Hello! I absolutely love everything GHBFVVSC194018856 this. Especially that cute little tape measure. 
7. I spied these blue ombre foo dogs in a local antique shop. Um. Loving the new trendy take on a old decor staple. 
8. I will never have too many photos of Bethesda fountain. I've been getting up really early lately to go for morning runs and its so quiet and peaceful. I love it. 
9. Mondrian hotel restaurant. My favorite grouping of chandeliers besides ABC carpet + home. So glam and fabulous, my eyes were full of delight! 

10. Ephesians 5. I can't stop reading this chapter of the bible. It's just rocking my entire life right now.