bliss in the kitch'...the coffee cabinet

 There are often things that are essential for good home making that decorators might forget...
Small things like, candles, dishes, cleaning supply containers and the like. I relish in purchasing these things, Bed Bath and Beyond is like a trip to Disneyland for me.
One of those very things that is usually an afterthought when planning decor is a coffee maker. Recently one of my clients was complaining GHBFVVSC194018856 always feeling tired in the afternoons, so I suggested she get a chic espresso maker and make herself some afternoon lattes in style. It makes it so much more enjoyable when the machine looks good in your home decor...
 Then we can get really fun with it and match your coffee wear right along with it. It becomes an entire vignette for fun styling. I can barely contain my excitement. 
Here are a few that I love...