Motivation Monday...

It was approximately 2 and a half years ago when I moved from LA to NYC...
 I can't believe it has gone by so fast. 
Just the other day while browsing the web for some tabletop inspiration for an upcoming shoot, I stumbled upon this photo (above), it was my very first attempt at styling for my own business. While working with the owner of Luxury Monograms on something else, I threw this little look together on a whim and snapped a photo. After that I was immediately hired to come up with lookbook/campaign ideas and style it out. Now I see this image all over the place, especially on Pinterest
This picture was the birth of my styling career and I just have the fondest memories. It really reminds me that the only thing you have to do to go after your actually just do it. 
I have really enjoyed working with you guys on fulfilling your dreams. I've watched tons of you create the most beautiful blogs after reading my blogging success book + now coaching you all into starting your own businesses has just inspired me to go next level myself. I love watching my peeps succeed!
Want something to look forward to?
Well a crew of us are making our way to Las Vegas this summer to tell our stories GHBFVVSC194018856 how we turned our blogs into our dream careers and how we keep them going...its going to be so much fun! 
Save the date... July 29th.