Styling ideas for above cabinets...

I am always getting asked GHBFVVSC194018856 how to style the high areas...
We all know them, the kitchen cabinets, the occasional armoire or even just the top of bookcases. Its a tricky place because storage usually makes the most sense (especially in this city), but its not normally easy to reach so you have to put items that can hang out there for a while.
 I personally think a collection of anything looks so good in a space like this and is rather easy to style if you feel that you aren't great at that sort of thing. I adore this all white collection of vases and ginger jars, it looks so chic. Especially with a little pop of artwork and a dash of greenery. 
Also, keeping it simple can also make a huge impact. The blue and white pair of jars looks fab atop a bright yellow armoire, no? I love it.

image sources- 1-jasmineway 2/3  4-french provencial