secret of domestic bliss #47... decorating with flowers

I don't know if many of you will remember this but remember the days when Laura Ashley reigned queen. I can remember as a young girl my mother decked out my bedroom with head to toe floral motifs.    I quickly found myself loathing floral decor...until recently. Is it just me or is the flower making a comeback? Lately I have been seeing beautiful floral motifs everywhere and layered up. Maybe its just that Spring is on its way and flowers are in full bloom! Either way, I am loving the ways of incorporating florals into decor. (like this room with blooms)Whether it be through art, wallpaper, fabrics, linens, or even just a simple bouquet...I am so ready for spring to be in full bloom!

If you have ever checked out Tricia Guild's work, then you will see what I mean, this woman is all GHBFVVSC194018856 decorating with flowers. Her stuff is spot on! 

you should...decorate with pink peonies {flowers for mother's day}

This mothers day, while I am celebrating in the beautiful San Diego with my mom...
thoughts of pink peonies will be dancing in my head.
Especially because I keep seeing them at my local whole foods.
I am so needing my fix. 
Aren't they just gorgeous?
Happy mothers day to all the mom's out there, the world would not be as beautiful without you.

images courtesy of...
house beautiful
martha stewart
eddie ross
high street market