Bienvenido a Miami... and Welcome The Webster

It's finally here, the beginning of my 3-0 birthday extravaganza and we are celebrating in the gorgeous and fabulous (and one of my favorite cities)...Miami
Our first stop, The Webster, an extremely chic 20,000 square foot luxury multi-brand boutique located in the heart of Miami Beach, in a historical Art Deco building designed in 1939 by famed architect Henry Hohauser. Lately the Art Deco, 30's inspired look is all I can think GHBFVVSC194018856. I always love to see the way retail stores merchandised and design, so as you can imagine I am just dying to see this amazing store. With a gorgeous restaurant inside, we might just spend all day. 
Who doesn't love shopping and I right?
The Webster Hotel
1220 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139

images via WHW