SIX TO BLISS: the paloma contreras edition

Who: Paloma Contreras
Where: Houston, Tx (love it!)
What: Super chic writer and blogger for the luxurious La Dolce Vita blog among others.

I am so thrilled that Ashlina invited me to be a part of this wonderful series! Creating this list was so fun and I have loved reading GHBFVVSC194018856 what everyone else considers to be the essentials for domestic bliss in their own homes. I think you'll notice that most of the items on my list are things that add a personal touch to one's home.

1.Fresh Flowers:

Nothing brings more cheer into a house then fresh-cut flowers. An arrangement doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive in order to be beautiful. My favorite thing to do is buy flowers in one color and put them together in full, lush bunches. My favorite flowers are pink peonies and white hydrangeas.

2. Loads of Books:
I adore books and have loved reading since I was very young. Whether you are talking GHBFVVSC194018856 a novel or a beautiful coffee table book on art, interior design, or fashion, they inspire the imagination and give us a glimpse into the lives of interesting people or transport us to places of great beauty. I love seeing homes with stacks of books everywhere. They add so much character.

3. Patterns
In order to be complete in my eyes, a space should have a variety of patterns and textures to add visual interest and personality. They’re fun and interesting and if you keep the big items in a room neutral (i.e. sofa, drapes, chairs) they are something you can change out frequently for relatively little money through items like pillows and rugs.

4. Personal Photographs and Artwork
I firmly believe that a space should say a lot GHBFVVSC194018856 the people who live there. Personal touches are what make a house a home. There are few things as personal as photographs and artwork. My house is filled with photos my husband and I have taken during our travels. They are special to us because they remind us of our adventures together and they say a lot GHBFVVSC194018856 who we are. In terms of artwork, adding pieces that you love to your home make it all the more special whether that means framing a picture your child drew, hanging a print by your favorite artist, or adding a vintage or original piece somewhere.

5. Fabulous Lighting
Lighting is the jewelry of the home and so often people forget GHBFVVSC194018856 it. Let’s face it. The outfit isn’t complete until it’s accessorized! There is something so warm and beautiful GHBFVVSC194018856 being in a home in the evening that is beautifully lit. It can also set the tone for so many things. In my opinion, it is one of the most important things in a home and should not be considered an after thought. I have high-end pieces from Circa Lighting and inexpensive lamps from Target in my home and I love them all! They can be such a wonderful expression of your personal style. What can I say? I’m a big lamp tramp!

6. Crisp White Linens
When it comes to linens, I tend to gravitate towards crisp, white looks. I don’t tire of them as much as quickly as I have tired of linens in various colors in the past. White linens are classic, timeless, and elegant and work with any type of décor. I love the look of white linens with a fabulous monogram! The duvet and shams on my bed are embroidered with white thread in order to have maximum versatility and the towels in my guest bathroom have a modern black monogram. I dream of someday owning something from Leontine Linens. They have the most gorgeous monograms!

Paloma, you are the just the most fun girl! So glad you had fun putting it together.
I love your list, thanks for sharing! 

Wasn't her list fabulous? 
Are you guys enjoying reading the secrets of these stylish bloggers?

SIX TO BLISS: the cassandra lavalle edition

Who: Cassandra LaValle (such a beautiful name)
Where: Seattle, WA (love)
What: interior and event stylist + gorgeous blogger of Coco and Kelley 

She doesn't need much of an introduction. We all know and love her style. 
I am so honored to have her here to share her 6 secrets of domestic bliss...
(i'm definitely taking notes) 

 1. loads of tabletop options. i'm addicted to dishes, candlesticks, s&p shakers... anything to add personality to the table.
 2. always having a variety of nibbles and wine on hand for unexpected company or indecisive dinners.

 3. plants! they last so much longer than flowers and add a fresh feel. (not that i don't love flowers, too...)
 4. photo walls and art. they both tell so much GHBFVVSC194018856 the inhabitants of a home.

 5. cozy throws around the house for cool summer breezes or chilly winter nights

 6. candles for every room! fresh citrusy scents for the kitchen and warm spicy scents for the bedroom...

thank you so much, cassie, for sharing your brilliant style! We all adore you woman! 

images credits:
dish: martha stewart
nibbles: marcus nilsson
plants: marie claire maison
photo wall: thomas o'brien
throw: living etc.
candle: hugh stewart

SIX TO BLISS: the Sasha edition

Who: Sasha Esquerra
Where: Sunny South Florida
What: Fabulous and super stylish mom + blogger of Everything Fabulous 

(I asked for her secrets to how she stays so fabulous and I was lucky to get more than I asked for...)

Six to Bliss that are actually nine..! The fabulous Ashlina asked me write 6 secrets to Bliss..but when I finally started putting together the post..I could not stop at 6..and then I could take out any apologies!

I use trays display my perfume organize the kitchen sink...or the everyday cooking seasoning! I use from vintage silver trays to little plates..anything that would allow me to organize and tidy display a small vignette! Plus you always have room for a little flower vase!

Love anchoring a room with a blanket! In winter I take out the winter blanket in rich browns faux blankets..and in spring/summer I might even use a pashmina as a nice touch of color!!

ohh Flowers...I can't go without flowers in the house! Love having fun with it and placing little bouquets in unexpected places...Sometimes I'll go with a big centerpiece and then the next week I would just do a collage of vintage silver vases! I usually tend to keep it simple it's either one type of flower..or one color per set! There is no such thing as to many flowers for them!

I am so in love with my blue & white collection!! Such a classic touch! I am even learning how to incorporate into my tablescapes...!

Another thing I can't live without...books! I love reading as many books as I can (use to be 3 or 4 a week...motherhood had given me the gist of enjoying maybe one per month...!) I think they create such a cozy ambiance in a house...! I usually try to color code the books in the shelves...they seem more organized! To decor I loove antique books...!

Ok here is where I allow my imagination to go wild..! Love having fun with the decor of the coffee tables! I am usually changing it every week...take a vase here, put it there..change a book collection..put magazines...! Books, flowers and candles (the ones I make using vintage silver vases or old china)are what I tend to use the most!

Love creating different vignettes with my apothecary jars...! And when it's party time love filling them with yummy candy!! You can have so much fun with what you put in them..! I am currently keeping a collection of all the corks of the wines we drink..!

Love paintings..from a painter or from my kids (this are truly my favourite..!). I like displaying pictures but usually in a corridor,etc...for the rest of the house love big paintings!! My secret for great art is to find an up and coming artist and share some pictures of the type of art you are looking ( they need a little bit more guidance at the beginning..) and then!!! At the end there is never wrong art...! When it comes to framing I either leave it on the canvas or just put a very simple frame!! For my kids art I just use frames from Wal-Mart that I spray paint...!!

And last but not least..J'adore tablescapes..! I never use paper plates...only for my kids birthday party (but I really need to train myself for it before). Everyday I try to use a simple tablecloth (love love the ones from Anthropology) and for special occasions I usually end up with a white tablecloth and then play around with different plates,etc! Sitting at the table at the end of the day..or even for breakfast is one of the biggest pleasures in my life...and by setting a nice table (even though we might be eating sandwiches that day..) I feel I am conveying that message to my kids "us at the table is something special!".

Thank you Ashlina so much for asking me to contribute to you Bliss series..!! It really has been such a joy working with you on this!! and thank you for your patient...!! I really hope you and your readers like it!!


{Images via 1. Flickr & Lonny Magazine Lonny Magazine, Martha Stewart & Veranda 2.House Beautiful 3.Everything Fabulous tumblr 4. Absolutely Beautiful Things 5.Elle Decor, Absolutely Beautiful things and Flickr 6.House Beautiful 7.Flickr 8.Elle Decor & Absolutely Beautiful Things 9.Absolutly Beautiful Things, Sunday Suppers and Martha Stewart}

SIX TO BLISS: the allison edition

Who: Allison Davis
Where: Texas + relocating to Chicago next month
What: adorable newlywed and blogger of Smart and Sassy with Sprinkles

Hello there to all of the fabulous readers of Secrets of Domestic Bliss! I was so thrilled when Ashley asked me to guest post on her blog, because I adore her blog, love her style, and share her fabulous home state of Texas! After the excitement died down though, immediate panic set in realizing what I’d just committed to.; Sharing my style secrets with other people? What on Earth am I going to tell her fabulous readers that they don’t already know? So I took a couple days to let the anxiety wear off and to really think GHBFVVSC194018856 what makes my home feel like home to me.So I’ve come up with my top six ways of creating a space I don’t just live in, but a space I love to live in.

1. Candles. I know this one seems like a no brainer, but I couldn’t leave it off the list, because its one of my greatest obsessions.  I literally have a bazillion candles (yes, really, a bazillion) candles around my home because I think they create the perfect combination of warmth, ambiance, and total chic.  If I am home for more than 10 minutes, a candle will be burning.  Guaranteed.  I adore Anthropologie’s Capri Blue Volcano jar candles, but when I can’t afford a $30 candle (which is often), I look closer to home.  Circle E Candles is based out of Fredericksburg, Texas and lots of smaller boutiques sell their lovely scented beauties.  Bird of Paradise is my favorite scent; it is beyond heavenly.

2. A soft, comfy robe.  I wasn’t always a “robe girl,” but in the last year or so, I have become a robe obsessed girl!  I used to get home from work and just lounge around in my work clothes till I was ready for bed.  I’d cook, clean, and watch my reality junk, all in a pencil skirt and silk top.  But in the last year, something in me switched and am now that person itching to get home, kick off her heels and skirt, and snuggle up in a big comfy robe.  I spend most of my robe time in my monogrammed leopard robe (shown above) which I gave to my bridesmaids (and myself) for gifts on my husband and I’s wedding day.  However, since then, I’ve decided to become a robe collector, and I’m currently on the lookout for a great, lighter weight, pink summer robe. 

3.  Secondhand treasures. I love Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel as much as the next person, but if someone offered me an entire room right out of their catalog, I think I’d seriously hesitate on that one.  (Ok, I lie, I’m sitting on a mound of debt from getting a darn Ph.D so if someone offered me anything free, I’d take it.)  But…if I weren’t sitting on all these lovely school loans, I’d turn the offer down.  Seriously.  Because no matter how beautiful their things are, they’re all new.  And well, sometimes, I like old.  I love things that have history, things that tell a story.  I love things that have been loved my someone else, things that show they can stand the test of time.  When I moved into my first “grown up” apartment, everything but my bed, my towels, and my couch were in some way secondhand via flea markets, garage sales, thrift stores, or hand me downs.  I love looking around my house, seeing things others before me have loved and treasured, and I love having things in my house that tell a story.  Whether its my great aunt’s opal cocktail ring, the chipping green stool that sits in the corner of my dining room, my great grandmothers cake stand, or picture frames I picked up at a garage sale with my mom, I love having secondhand treasures in my home.  It gives it a layered and loved feeling that no PB catalog can match.

4.  Ordinary things in pretty containers.  I am a firm believer in displaying your everyday, ordinary things in pretty containers.  My q-tips and cotton balls are in glass canisters, my chip clips are in an Anthropologie bowl, my cocktail rings are in a vintage ice cream dish, and my bobby pins are in a glass votive holder.  I need easy access to these things, so why not make their home a beautiful one?  And take a tip from above and shop for these containers secondhand.  Thrift stores always have great glass canisters and vintage dishes for super cheap.  But better, yet, shop your own home!  It’s amazing what can look good in a martini glass, a jelly jar, a tea cup, or a votive holder! 

5.  An intense stock of entertaining pieces even Martha would envy.  I love entertaining, and luckily I married someone who loves hosting as much as I do.  And to be honest, it is much easier to enjoy entertaining when you have a faithful stock of entertaining pieces.  I have a bit of an obsession when it comes to serving platters/trays/bowls/cake stands/glassware etc.  Really, its a sickness.  Everything looks better when displayed beautifully (see #4), and food is no exception.  However, I am not a fan of matchy matchy entertaining; I love mixing what I love and could care less if its “fancy" or not!  I am drawn to white and silver pieces, which allows the focus stays on all the yummy food I bought at the store spent hours preparing :)  I’ve slowly built my collection over time, and this is one of those things that I’m always browsing for.  Every time I’m in a homestore, I scope out their entertaining-ware.  (Is that a word?)  And because I’m always looking, I don’t spend a ton of money on this stuff.  I shop sales, clearance sections, and end caps for pieces that speak to me.  The day I let a plastic tub sit on my table while entertaining is the day Sandra Lee would show up at my house for dinner, I just know it.  So I don’t take any chances; I take the extra few seconds to set it in a pretty dish before setting in on my table.

6.  Spending time at home.  I love my home (even though its the size of a shoebox), so of course, I love spending time there!  A few years ago, I was all GHBFVVSC194018856 going out to dinner, out for drinks, and out for college football watch parties.  But now, I’m all GHBFVVSC194018856 staying in!  If we take the time to create spaces that we love, why not invite our friends and family to share it with us?  Whether its a wine and cheese party, an OU football watch party (boomer!), or a movie night with my husband, I get so much joy from spending time at home.  If we take the time to create a home filled with bliss, then why not enjoy it? :)
{images courtesy of weheartit}
Thanks so much Alison...I am so happy to have you. you are too adorable for words. xoxo

SIX TO BLISS: the kellie collis edition

Who: Kellie Collis
Where: Drummoyne, Australia
What: an extremely talented interior stylist who blogs for Ada and Darcy, one of the most inspirational blogs out there.

1. Having my favourite beauty products close by 

2. Collecting and moving cushions around my home to give things a new look 

3. Splashes of gorgeous, bright shades of pink 

4. Green tea and my favourite chocolate 

5. A relaxing and peaceful bedroom 

6. Introducing wallpaper to give life to different rooms

SIX TO BLISS: the Jennifer Hunter edition

Who: Jennifer Hunter
Where: Blue Mountain Beach, Florida
What: The beautifully and incredibly talented blogger of ModGIRL

If you haven't already, check out her blog! Its such fun to read. Girl has great style.
Here are her six to bliss:

1.color = h a p p i n e s s 

2. fresh cut greenery + flowers

3. organization

4. stacks of books

5. a mix of old and new

5. texture
photo credits:
{country living. ModGirl. Martha Stewart. quadrille. kwid. elledecor.}

thanks again Jennifer!

SIX TO BLISS: the Laura Trevey edition

Who: Laura Trevey
Where: Richmond, Va
What: Bright, Bold, and Beautiful blogger + watercolor artist extraordinaire.

My 6 secrets to domestic bliss...

1. dreamy cherry blossoms.
2. everything girlie
3. travel travel travel
4. the gorgeous seafoam green color of the ocean on a sunny day

5. fun summer sandals

6. cool shades

Wasn't this the perfect weekend list?
I just adore you Laura...thanks for sharing your secrets!

SIX TO BLISS: the Kirsten Krason edition

Who: Kirsten Sue
What: an interior design student and extremely creative blogger of 6th Street Design School .

The sweet and lovely Kirsten shares with us, her 6 secrets of domestic bliss.

1. Linen Sheets
Alice Lane sells the most amazing linen bedding by Matteo. I have the sheets and they are amazing. I rejoice every night when I get to crawl into bed and be enveloped with softness. It is the perfect reward at the end of a hard day.

2. A made bed
I make my bed every day (well almost every day). It gives me such a feeling of peace. Even if the rest of my home is a complete disaster (which it usually is) I can at least go into my bedroom and feel like something is in order.

3 .Love
A home is nothing without people to share it with. My husband and I fill our four walls with laughter and love. 7 months ago we were blessed with a baby boy and not a day goes by that he doesn’t bring joy to my life. A day spent with my husband and my baby is true bliss

4. Music
One of my favorite things to do in my home is turn on my playlist while I am blogging, cleaning or doing homework. I love it when my home is full of lovely and beautiful music. Even if it is a dreary day outside it lifts my mood and makes the day feel brighter.

5. Candles
I love lighting candles. Not only is the aroma wonderful but it really sets the mood in a home. My favorite is this one from Anthropologie. It truly brings bliss to my life.

6. Sentiment
Your home should not only be GHBFVVSC194018856 your present but also your past. I like to have something sentimental in each room. Something that reminds me of where I came from. My baby’s nursery is full of items that were my husbands when he was younger. I love this little alligator hook he made when he was little. The little outfit that hangs on it to the right belonged to my husband when he was a baby. Having pieces of my husband's past in this room is really precious to me.

SIX TO BLISS: the emily a. clark edition

Who: Emily A. Clark
Where: Charlotte, NC
What: A super adorable and chic shopper, virtual decorator and blogger of
I am honored that Ashlina asked me to take part in her Six to Bliss series.  Here are a few of my favorite things that make a house a home:

#1.  Lamps: Can't get enough! I've been accused of having a lamp hoarding problem. Maybe so, but they really do make a space cozier. I rarely use overhead lighting at night.

#2.  My children's artwork:  I love to display it around the house. Not only does it make them feel special, but it adds alot of color to a space. (They are especially skilled in abstracts!)

#3.  Fresh flowers: Such a little luxury that I don't do nearly enough for myself. They just instantly make a space feel more special.

#4.  Comfy bedding: Love, love my down comforter and lots of pillows!

#5. Monogrammed anything!:  They are classic and look good on everything from pillows to blankets to shower curtains. 

#6.  Music:  Every now and then, I actually turn off the tv and turn on music before dinnertime.  One of my current favorites:

SIX TO BLISS: the erin gates edition

Who:  Erin Gates
Where: Boston, Mass (so jealous)
What: Uber stylish blogger of Elements of Style and principal and founder of Element Interiors .

I am soooo honored to have her secrets here because I definitely admire her style.

Here are her 6 secrets to domestic bliss...

  1. Foo Dogs- a brightly colored pair of foo dogs is needed in any space I inhabit! The are said to protect the home from evil spirits, which is a bit of a bonus.

2. Something zebra- pillows, a rug, a chair seat- just something in my all time favorite pattern.

3.Hot pink peonies- this flower never ceases to make me happy and brings such life to any room with it’s big blooms.

4.Wine and coffee- a morning and evening ritual that I adore.

5.A gallery wall- a visually stunning way to display memories and art without having frames galore on every surface.

6.A working fireplace- nothing says “home” to me

Thanks again Erin, for your secrets. Love them! 

office space of the day...kardashian style + SIX TO BLISS

I think I have died and gone to decor heaven. This is the office space of Khloe Kardashian and I am obsessed and literally dying for it!
black and white chevron chairs + amazing desk,chandelier + purple all over = 
domestic bliss x 10

want Khloe's designer's SIX TO BLISS?
(read on for designer Jeff Andrews 6 secrets to home office bliss)

  1. Desk chair. This chair is from a designer, trade-only showroom. Occasionally, this type of store will open their doors to consumers to buy direct. Keep an eye out for these (the LA Mart in Los Angeles has one coming up soon) and choose a showroom floor model. You can get high-end style and refinement at a fraction of the price.
  2. Guest chairs. These are vintage chairs Khloe owned but didn’t love. Rather than be wasteful, I found two great fabrics, one with subtle sparkle and one solid, and reupholstered the chairs. Reusing and repurposing furniture and accessories is a great way to be green! It is also a great way to save money. You can reupholster on literally any budget from DIY to high-end. Another tip is to use the same fabric, again in two ways, to make custom throw pillows. You can find fabric at so many locations from craft stores to flea markets to places like the fashion district in downtown Los Angeles.
  3. Shelves and chandelier. To add glitz, dimension, and visual interest to the shelves in Khloe's office, we added antique mirror to the back of the shelves. Again, this is something that can be done on any budget with a quick trip to your local glass shop. We also added glamour with the chandelier. I customized the piece with cut bohemian black crystals that I purchased separately and added for maximum effect.
  4. Painting is something that pretty much everyone can afford to do, and most of us can handle doing ourselves! For Khloe's office, I used a deep shade of gray/lavender (Benjamin Moore – Stone) on the walls, and I painted the ceiling a lighter shade of lavender (Benjamin Moore – Angelika). The dark trim is a custom color that was mixed by the painter on site. Use a paint deck and other color samples to help put together your palette. Make sure to look at the samples at different times of day and night before selecting a color as lighting changes color dramatically.
  5. Three ways to add style, substance and personality to your room. Keep things alive and seasonal with fresh flowers. Vintage stores, flea markets, and resale shops are great places to find interesting and unique vases and vessels. Grab a bundle of flowers when you stop at the farmers market or at the grocery store. Photos and personal mementos (such as bobble heads on Khloe's desk) add a personal touch to the space. No room is complete without photos of family, friends, and loved ones! Buy frames that catch your eye and mix and match. Keep an eye out for sales and promotions at frame shops by subscribing to enewsletters. Finally, books! Art books are a great gift to give and receive. There are usually several great coffee table books to choose from at any good bookstore. You can always find a fun art book GHBFVVSC194018856 a topic that you find interesting from design to fashion to music.
  6. Window treatments. For the windows, we chose these fabulous charcoal / purple sheers that filter light and really up the "glam factor" of this room. They really pull the room together and make it feel complete. I think that too many people neglect window treatments. Curtains and other window options can get very expensive, but if you do your research, you can make smart, stylish decisions that don't break the bank. Think GHBFVVSC194018856 function — do you need to block out light completely? Do you need privacy from your window coverings or are they just for effect? Online is a great place to monitor for sales and promotions for both window coverings and hardware.

SIX TO BLISS: the jessica edition

It is finally here you guys...the guest blogger series that I had promised. 
A look into our favorite blogging decoristas lives
and their very personal top 6 secrets to domestic bliss!
Today, I will begin our month long series and to start is off is 
my girl...Jessica.

Who: Jessica Nell Graves
Where: Gainsville, Florida
What: An amazing graphic designer + blogger of The Love List.
Her southern charm gets me everytime and I am so excited for her to share with us her 6 secrets to domestic bliss.

6. Fresh flowers.
Life, cheer, a pop of color, a touch of happy, and a lovely smell - who doesn't love flowers?

5. Books galore.
I recently rang in my 24th, and while having all of my friends in town to celebrate with me was really special, the best gift I got was a trio of Penguin classics. They are gorgeous! I have stacks of books littering my house, a few current favorites are John Currin's tome for the Gagosian and Mirelle Giuliano's latest on being business savvy.

[My desk! I've since added an imac to the repertoire, as doing my design work from a touch pad was getting really old...]
4. My studio.
I practically live in here, as do my interns, so you better believe that it is a pretty, comfy, and inspirational space that my interns and I all love spending time in. This is where we dream up all of our ideas for the blog and for the clients of Front Porch Studio. (PS, there's a full tour here)

3. Low Country Luxe candles
With scents like "Gullah", "Sugah",  and "Gent", how can any southern belle say no?

[John Currin's "The Cripple", Amanda Stone Talley's "Celedonia", Michael Sowa's "Fowl with Pearls"]

2. Art.
 Right now I'm really into the big loose circles that are New Orleans-based Amanda Talley's signature, so much that she's doing a large piece for my dining room. I can't wait to get it! John Currin is far and away my favorite artist, but I also love the quirky animal portraits of Michael Sowa.

[Roasted portabellas and asparagus, vanilla ice cream with cranberry chutney]

1. Good food.
At the heart of our home is our kitchen. We are always cooking for each other or for friends - we even have a supper club on Sundays! We're lucky to live in an area where fresh produce, meat, and eggs are always available to us (plus we have a great Farmer's Market!).

love it! thanks so much for sharing Jessica.