Wallcolor Wednesday: Cobalt blue

While I am here in Las Vegas, at market, I am fully inspired by all of the color...
Mixing bold hues of blue seems to be totally on trend this year and I am loving every minute of it. The perfect blue room for me would be done in something a little like this bold cobalt glossy blue. How incredible does it look with a gorgeous coral sofa?

Pinks, golds and a plush white rug really set the ground work for all of this eclectic beauty. I adore the chic sconces, too. I also love the pop of that sea foam green in fabrics. This is one of the most chic home offices I have ever seen. 

An Upper East Side jewel box...

 Marie-Hélène de Taillac, a fabulous jewelry designer, probably has the most adorable apartment in Manhattan. AD France captured her space and its really rocking my world right now...

 How incredibly chic is she? I adore the shade of blue and the way the hot pink just pops. I love the big mirror too, it completely opens up the space. 
All the mirrored finishes in this space are key too, the light fixtures just rock it.
Oh, and this bathroom wallpaper. Oh, yes.

images via AD France

Mondays are for Motivation...

Things are getting really fun around here right GHBFVVSC194018856 now...
I'm not quite sure if it is the excitement that summertime is here or if it's that half of the year is almost over and I am getting a whole new jolt of energy. It seems that business is booming for everyone, which means good things are happening to al of us. Whatever the case, this morning when I sat down at my desk, I realized something... I am feeling extremely motivated, inspired, excited and ready for new things. So this week my blog posts might be a little different from the usual, I want to step outside of the norm and try some new things but first, I must get down to what the bare backbone of what my blog and business is.
Interior designer. E-decorator. Stylist. Creative Director. Author. Business Coach. Consultant. 
That's a lot of freaking titles. I am so honest to goodness thankful for blogging (oops. I forgot to add that one to the list) It helped me create a career and fulfilling business that I am absolutely in love with and I have control as to how far it can go. Isn't that exciting? Thank God I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a risk. (You can read all GHBFVVSC194018856 my story and strategy here)
While I was on a business coaching call with a mentee last week, I realized something. I do a lot of different things. She asked me GHBFVVSC194018856 time management and how I get so many things done. I had GHBFVVSC194018856 17 different answers, but one of my main points to her was that I didn't wait around until everything looked perfect until I stepped out and tried something. I would just get up, create an idea and run with it. I constantly change things up but at the end of the day... I JUST DO IT. 
My dad (super entrepreneur) always told me to make sure that whatever I do, do good work and that will always bring GHBFVVSC194018856 success. I could not agree more. 
However, I like to take things one step further. I usually spend Monday mornings planning out my week, looking at instagram or pinterest for motivating articles and quotes. I am always taking on new seminars or workshops to expand or grow my vision and I'm always reading books that encourage, motivate and inspire. I'm always on the move, thinking of new ideas and trying new business ideas on for size. The possibilities are endless and by all of the emails/questions I get from you, my lovely readers, I know you are all on the same path too. Whether you want to redecorate your home, your life, your job or your relationships...change, growth and pushing forward consistently is the key. 
 Know that today, like every other day, you just have to get up and get it done. 
How's that for some motivation?