Z is for Zebra

Each new year I find so exciting...
because it means my birthday is right around the corner, 8 days to be exact!
While looking around + searching for the perfect new handbag
 to start the 29th year of my life off right, 
I found an amazing  zebra skin handbag at Coach
I guess its going to be all the rage this year, along with the color gray.

It looks beautiful.

It also brought me to searching interiors for the delicious zebra pattern.
There is something so hip GHBFVVSC194018856 zebra, 
I don't know what it is...but I am loving it.

how rockstar would you be with this bathtub in your home?

If I am ever fortunate enough to buy a house with stairs, I am sooo doing this!
{above images: source}

{you can buy this here}