This weather is feeling mighty good lately and I am loving every minute of it. 
 In terms of decor, I am being moved lately by the look of the well decorated beach house...
White walls always look good in a beach home, especially when paired with white floors. Soft colors go so well at the beach, especially the lighter shades of blue. It's such a relaxing look and thats what is most important when you come in after a long day in the sun, right?
 I can't wait to get to the Hamptons this summer, I am in need of some serious sunshine and serious square footage. 

 As I said recently, I am in love with adding green leaves to the home in any way, shape or form. Like the actual plants or event prints above the bed look chic too. 
 This is such a fun way to display art and family photos. It looks so chic and well styled. 
This little outdoor section is just calling my name today. I love being inspired by images of beach homes, it just gets me in such a good mood. 

decor images: the home of paula joye

WANDERLUSTING: The Grand Hotel Oslo Part 1

 It's no secret that I love to travel and I'm sure you all can guess how much I love hotels...
I mean...don't we all? I think it might be my life dream to travel the world and review the hotel decor around the globe. How interesting would that be? Well, I am always in constant search online for the best decorated hotels and this one, is one of those that just does it for me.
The Grand Hotel Oslo just might be in my top 5 list of places I must stay. One of my best girl friends on the net Dagny, is the creative director for Fargerike (a Norwegian paint company). Each year when the new color of year comes out they redecorate a suite with the color theme in mind. This year its purple! 
 My favorite part of the suite is the study & bedroom. I love the deep plum wallpaper with gold curtains setting the perfect combination. Then, when you look up a pretty light blue ceiling and killer chandelier. This whole look literally makes my knees weak. It makes for such a fab place to get some work done. Then, you walk back into the romantic bedroom. A touch of vintage with the right amount of gold for glamour and then the deep red curtains add a little luxe to the equation.
 I think this little orange stool is such a cute little guy too, love his rich color. Couldn't you just imagine staying here? I would never see the sights, I'd stay in my hotel all day! 

 I love the way the chandelier is accented with such a chic swag. I am also really loving deep purple with vibrant red. Maybe I should add a little of this to my bedroom...

all images via Grand Hotel Oslo / Fargerike

Throwback Thursday... vintage decorating

One of my favorite things to do first thing in the AM is check instagram. Are you all as addicted as I am? Every Thursday...
everyone posts pictures from the past and call it "throwback thursday". I never join the fun but recently I have been getting a lot of my inspiration from old decorating and design books from the 60s and 70s.
 Every time I see an old bookstore, I go in search of fabulous vintage decor books. They are so fun and really show me that what goes around always comes back around again...
It's surprising how similar styles translate through the years. Look at these red and white striped wall, with stars on the bottom half...so creative. Those red bamboo chairs would look amazing today, as would that cute little zebra underneath the parsons console table.

 Marble walls/wallpaper have really become really chic again and this old red and white marbled wall looked amazing in 1975 too! Hello.
 This monochromatic blue room is totally chic. The geometric rug is fab and those little round caged stools are back in the stores. Also notice the damien hurst-esque dot art. Kinda hot right there. 

images via screwed//vintage//

How to: Make a Inspiration Board

This spring season has me in a flurry of cleaning out clutter and making room for new things. I love a good spring cleaning. I'm sort of doing this in all aspects of my life, not just at home. 

When I want to move toward a new vision for myself I love to make a new vision/inspiration board. It's like a visual inspiration of style, looks and colors that you’d like to try/buy in 2013. Not only will it help you develop your domestic signature style but it may save you money by inspiring you to reinterpret things you already own.

Here’s how…
Buy a Blank Canvas.
Make sure you opt for something you love so that it can be displayed in your home work space and still look stylish.  You can make a super chic board by backing an un-glassed vintage picture frame with cork board from the hardware store.

Define Your Mood.
Get really clear GHBFVVSC194018856 what vibe you are going for so as to not have a board thats all over the place. Go for something like Bohemian Glamour or Sophisticated Modern. Then as you edit your photos, you will be able to decide what belongs on the board and what doesn't. 

Cut it out.
Go through those images you have been saving on your desktop forever or tear through your favorite magazines. This will clean the clutter you have been saving and allow you to toss out the things that you don't need anymore. This is key for organization in springtime! 

Get Excited. 
They say that if you put it on a vision board, it will come. So really go all out for what you want. Want that gorgeous J. Adler sofa we all dream of? Tear it out and put it up. There is power in vision! 

Don't Limit Yourself.
I have boards everywhere. Not only do I pinterest but I also daydream too. 

decor image via apartmenttherapy

A few decorating elements...

So as I really begin to swag out my new space I have been thinking of a few essentials that I will need for my new apartment. Not only do I shop in stores, I scour magazines for things I love and then go for the hunt. It's what I love most GHBFVVSC194018856 being a decorista.
First off, this mirrored coffee table is ridiculous, no? I love it. 
I also really enjoy this gold screen, the plaid fabric on these perfect chairs and that green glass sculptural bowl thing sitting on the side table. Okay, thats it...I'm off to shopping.

images via nuevo estilo

Mother/Daughter Decorating...

In a effort to show my love for my mom and to thank her for being the kind of mom who always made a stylish and pretty home, I want to celebrate some super stylish mother/daughter duos who are creative and making the world a more beautiful place...

When I spotted this office space and the pretty art I had to know more and then found that this is the NYC apartment of Alex, and the artwork is by her mom Kerri (one of my new fave artists)...
Let us not forget the swanky pad of Jane + Judy in Dallas.

And of course the new authors of 'Good Bones Great Pieces', the total traditional duo. This little apartment was a perfect blend of their styles, So fab!
happy mothers day...

5 ways to achieve domestic bliss...

Just the other day I got an interview questionnaire and as I was filling it out there was one question that got to me. It asked me what is the purpose behind what I do.
Oddly, enough I had to think GHBFVVSC194018856 it for a minute because my first instinct was to talk GHBFVVSC194018856 how I want to make the world a more beautiful place. That answer didn't really sit right in my heart and then I realized that what I am most passionate GHBFVVSC194018856 is the home. 
Your home is your sanctuary and I love the feeling of loving my home, I feel so awesome at the end of the day coming home to my special space. My purpose is to help other people have that same feeling GHBFVVSC194018856 where they live...you know, the art of domestic bliss....

1. Don't take your decor seriously...add elements of whimsy to your home by introducing random things that you love. Like this funky bird on the console. If you love it, every time you enter your home, it will make you smile! 
2. Make your bed every morning. Studies have shown that you will have more power and energy to attack your day if your bed is tidy. 
3.Get organized. I know the messy decor looks better in photos but in real life it is essential to keep your things tidy. It will make for a happier day and you will have a much more fun time getting ready if you know where everything is.
4. Keep your favorite fragrances going at all times. Light candles, use reed diffusers or put scented sachets in drawers. 
5. Create a special place for you to unwind, relax and read a good book. 


Inspired by this beautiful photo I knew that a brass bookcase would make the perfect addition to my clients home office. We searched high and low and found this interesting looking one...

Isn't she beautiful. Very unique and oh so perfect for displaying gorgeous items.
It's not styled to perfection yet, but at least we have begun the magic.
Today, I am relishing in the fact that we actually found one for around $100 and it looks so old school glam. Now I am considering getting one for myself! 



My weekend in Fort Lauderdale was super successful. I spent so much time in the vintage & antique stores around here scoring things for my clients pad. Like I told you all before, she is a young + stylish fashion designer and her style I will call, VINTAGE PALM BEACH CHIC...
Her 2 bedroom condo is so bright, think white walls and lots + lots of sunlight. She loves brass and her motto for her home is the more gold, the better. Could it get much better??? 
(Anyone in the S. Florida area need an interior decorator...CALL ME...I LOVE it here.)
I have scored like a winner in Vegas when it comes to her furnishings so I will share with you a few things we found on the first day....
The fabulous peacock chair was the perfect piece for her home office guest seating and it was under $40...HELLO!
I could not get over how beautiful driving around this city was. It's been so long since I have actually been in a car to get around, I kinda missed the feeling.
Her bathroom has a little nook for a cute vanity so this Art Deco mirror was $90 and perfect to fit for her to primp with and she loves the glam-ness...This faux bamboo rattan shelving is storage for her bedroom, where she can display her jewels and shoes and the like.
 We are outfitting her digs with tons of vintage brass accessories and we found a whole lot for under $20 each. Hello horses and unicorns (her favorite animals)... How amazing is this gorgeous armoire we scored for her guest bedroom. The amount of storage is insane and the faux bamboo is so her style...and it was under $200
 Now, this next week she is having family come in so we had to fill her home with dishes to outfit her dining table so she can host a party and we stocked up on gold! We got these gorgeous gold rimmed wine glasses at an antique store for $2 each and beautiful white dishes with a gold trim for 1.50$ each and a set of gold flatware for 8.... $69. Everything in perfect shape too! 
This place has such amazing stuff...Here are some interesting pieces that I thought were unique and fun and I so wanted to take home but....well...I can't shop for me.

 and I seriously fell for this New York City skyline screen. It was so cool.

Passion for Pinterest & Hermes Orange Boxes

So I have been working with one of my clients on a makeover in the bedroom. The clients just feel like they want something new for spring. Things need a change but we don't really want to go out and buy all new pieces for the room so I was putting together a mood board for some ideas when it occurred to me just how FABULOUS pinterest is.  
It is such a powerful decorating tool. I had an idea for getting some orange into the room. I was thinking maybe through boxes and my pinterest totally helped support my case to the client. 
Let me prove to you how orange boxes are awesome...


House Tour: Inside the home of Nina Bergsten

Nina Bergsten...no idea who this woman is but her style is OH SO VERY chic. Stockholm is her home, so she has that Swedish style on lock. White walls, white furnishings with bits of black and rustics in the mix. What I love most is the touch of pretty pastels added throughout which really give the masculine look such a soft, feminine touch. Its perfection in my book...
How stylish is this woman? I think I need that sweater ASAP.

Images via RESIDENCE

Secret of domestic bliss #61...decorate with stacks of books

Books are the ultimate in lifestyle. They can be used in a variety of ways and I truly believe that they bring joy to the owner. Not only do they serve as excellent indicator of personality, they are essential for a stylish home. The colors of the book jackets and even the font can add a little swagger to your space and/or bookcase...
I love to decorate with books grouped together in the same color family...
As a decorator, I use all of my favorite decor, fashion and art books as tools for inspiration...
its so essential for my business.
This is what my chairs at home look like...all the time.

In the Pink by Dorothy Draper. High Style by Woodson + Rummerfield. 
HUE by Kelly Wearstler. I love your style by Amanda Brooks.
Ellements of Personal Style by Elle Magazine

image sources: one. two. three.four.

NYC House Tour: Stylish living in Brooklyn

Brooklyn is one of those places that you just can't hate. While I am a total Manhattan kind of girl, Brooklyn does have a small part of my heart. There are so many great restaurants, shops, things to do and see and I do have a heart for the hip people. The best part GHBFVVSC194018856 Brooklyn...the space! I continually dream of living in a much, much bigger apartment and it seems as if I gave life in Brooklyn an opportunity, that dream just might come true. 
This townhome featured in Architectural Digest totally gives me some inspiration. It's incredibly gorgeous...
Even with white walls the place is loaded with serious style. The artwork all over the walls is a huge part of what makes it so chic. Oh, and of course the pops of turquoise help too,
These deliciously glossy dark brown walls + tiger print chair are majorly FABULOUS! 
How perfect are these red chairs in that garden area? In the springtime I bet this outdoor space is just killer. Wow. Doesn't it just make you want to move to Brooklyn? 
well...not really but at least we can daydream.

images seen at luxe + lillies via AD.