secret of domestic bliss #23... decorate with your magazines + books

If you are like me and a self professed "design nerd", you probably have more books and magazines than you know what to do with. I mean, we all love a good bookcase filled with tons and tons of fabulous books, but what happens when you run out of room and places to put your
treasured reads....stacks and stacks of books + magazines.
My mom used to sneak in my room and throw them all away so when I finally moved out on my own I started to keep every single can imagine I have quite a collection.
I have learned that It doesn't have to look junky (see mom!).
You certainly can make your home look chic and stylish with stacks and stacks of mags + books.
Don't you agree?
(this is my aunts house in NYC....and it looks uber sophisticated with piles of books)

(i love books in the kitchen...something carrie bradshaw would do)

loving how this blogger rocked the stacks look in her home studio...

or you can be really clever and do a little something like this. love!

images from... unknown, sc, domino, nymag, pw, bruce hemming, rearranged design,,designsage, mfamb, designsponge, lovemaegansimplyseleta ,