Chic groups of Art

I have a client who, luckily, has an extremely large living room. The only problem is...
that above the sofa, we are having problems finding are that we love that fills the space. It's a pretty big wall. So, I'm pushing for a grouping of framed smaller art pieces that go together.
It makes such an impact and the frames add an architectural detail which is just a bonus to the artwork. 
I also like them placed in order, not arranged in random order. There is something grand GHBFVVSC194018856 an organized arrangement that makes the room more dramatic and bold. 

images via: 1//2//3//4//5//6

Gold framing is everything...

Recently, a client of mine came to me with two pieces of art passed down from her mother. She was very reluctant to use these in her home because they were a bit outdated. However, these two pieces were absolutely beautiful, they just needed to be re-framed...

 Let me break it down to you all, any art can be brought to life with a really good frame job. I mean you could pretty much frame a piece of trash and with the right frame, it will look like magic. I am not downplaying good art. I love artwork more than most people do, I just want to also give credit where credit is due and framing is key to great art on walls! 
 This collection of photos is to show just how much I love a good gold frame. They are slightly expensive and hard to find, but I happen to know a very big retailer that will be coming out with a massive collection of gorgeous gold frames at great prices this coming fall. So keep your eyes out, once they launch I will spread the news. (I've been sworn to secrecy)
 I am just loving how these plain white walls look just magical with good gold framing everywhere. It really just takes everything to the next level. I am all GHBFVVSC194018856 this look. So, take some art to the local framers and revamp it in will thank me later. 

all images via flippen

Currently leaves

I don't care how many times I see the ever so hot Martinique Wallpaper...
I will never get enough of it. All I can think GHBFVVSC194018856 is adding more green leave decor to my world and I am doing my best to convince my clients that they need some too. In an effort to change their minds, I am reflecting on my most favorite looks...
 This patterned sofa is an easy way to add it in without going too drastic, as is this gorgeous printed fabric in the bathroom. It looks so chic with white. 
However, the wallpaper really just puts an extra pep in my step, every time. 

 I even find this lampshade a great way to add in a pop of the look. However you want to use it, it will add something extra snazzy and chic to the room. I promise! 
 images via this search

Secret of domestic bliss #67...layered art

One trick to making your home look well decorated is having plenty of collected art all around your house. It says so much GHBFVVSC194018856 the vibe and personality of your space. However, there isn't always the space or need for a wall of art. In that case I always suggest to layer your art to make it look more full and sophisticated. There is something GHBFVVSC194018856 that unfinished art wall look...

 I love different mediums of artwork layered on top of each other, it really lends to interest. For example, a black and white photo paired with an abstract acrylic print and maybe a watercolor or two. 
The key is keeping the color palate to a certain limit and that makes sure it still looks cohesive and put together. This black white and peach combination is too good and goes well with the furniture, too! 
all images via lonnymag & decorpad

The Art of Living: elements of a party pad

One aspect of domestic bliss is entertaining at home. Such a difficult thing to do here in these NYC apartments being that they are so small. However, you can get creative no matter what size your space with just a few fun touches. 
An oversized dining table...even if the table is a tad too big, it really makes for a great entertaining spot and can double for a work space when you work at home.

Get creative with extra seating... I am a firm believer in having extra chairs around the home. I also LOVE how this pair of cushions is set atop the fire stoop for two extra seats for creative! 

A well stocked bar area...having the proper nosh area is always essential for happy guests. An array of drinks, sparkling water and mixed nuts. Perfect soiree snacking.


Wallcolor Wednesday {a burst of citrus orange}

Inspired by my lovely orange water bottle, I have been noticing bright orange everywhere. It could be the summertime, but I just think the pretty color is the epitome of chic. I'm sure it can be a bit much for some, but perfect for a quaint little bathroom, guest bedroom, or smack dab in the living room. Wherever you put this fancy pants color, it will be effortlessly stylish...

SUZANIS = insanely gorgeous pattens on textiles...

I adore this gorgeous suzani textile as a headboard. Textiles are one of the perfect additions to your bedroom and will always be a cheaper headboard alternative. Suzanis have been around for a while but I don't think their shine has worn off. Especially in the bohemian chic style realm, their colors and patterns are boho perfection. Am I right???

oh and P.S.
so so so pretty!


Secret of domestic bliss #48... the power of pillows

Pillows are the ultimate decorating accessory. Whatever your style is, the perfect pillows can make your space pop! If you are a fickle decorating person and love to change your home decor (sort of like me), I say stick with a neutral color palate and keep your pillows colorful and funky. I really love what pillows can do for your home, whether it be the pattern, colors, texture, or size. My suggestion... use your pillows to creatively express yourself and your personal style. 


The Decorista tip of the day...go light white and global

Since spring has arrived, finally. If you haven't already, I do encourage you all to switch up your bedding to bright, light and white cottons. There is something so luxurious GHBFVVSC194018856 slipping into crisp white sheets. Now I know that a lot of you can't bare the thought of all white (color lovers like me!) and I completely understand. I have the solution! Grab a fabulous, and exotic patterned quilt and throw it on the end of your bed. It adds a little something fun, playful and gives you total style without weighing down your bed! Loving these gorgeous prints....


The Decorista tip of the day: decorate with juju hats

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend. 
I had a whirlwind of a weekend. So, I stumbled upon this seriously good flea market in Chelsea yesterday. Oh my goodness, it was like christmas morning with all of the gorgeous goodies...more than I could have imagined. It was a pleasant surprise to find an exotic dealer who had a beautiful assortment of bright and colorful juju hats. I found myself needing one badly. They are so delicious in person, if you don't have one yet, get one. They are still very much in style. Love them!

see how fabulous they look on the walls...

The Decorista tip of the day.... little bit of pink

Okay so most of us love a good art wall but we mostly see the same black and white look. I love this idea of adding pink matting to an art wall collection. It can pull together all kinds of different artwork for a really polished look. You don't need pink to make it work, blue, green or even orange will work...I adore it.
image via kelly green.

The Decorista tip of the day.... layer mirrors

One of my E-decor clients is obsessed with making her fireplace be show-stopping! So as I have been researching for some fireside inspiration, I came across this image and fell in love. I think its genius to layer mirrors, they give such dramatic impact. IKEA has fabulous (and budget friendly) square mirrors that you can get and stick on to the wall above a fireplace...and then just find an ornate + glam mirror to lean up on the mirrored wall. Instant style! 

Secret of domestic bliss #32...decorating with perfume bottles

Never underestimate the power in the beauty of your favorite bottle of perfume.
When styling your vanity or your bathroom, 
cleverly display your favorite fragrances to achieve that magazine-chic look.

When I go thrift shopping around LA,
I always keep an eye out for beautiful vintage perfume bottles to add to my collection.
Mixing vintage bottles with your favorites is essential for an extra glamorous effect.
They make for such a fabulous accessory, no?

images...Rue, everythingfab, countryliving, thelovelist

The Decorista tip of the day... how to add a punch of fun color

If you are at the hardware store this weekend...
pick up some paint swatches for your home decor.
This is such a genius idea to add a punch of colorful fun to your kid room decor!


Don't forget to add some color to your life by... 
shopping at my vintage boutique
following us on twitter.
check out my fantastic latest sponsor.
get up to date with your sneak peaks of Rue magazine! You are in for a real treat!

decorating with Natural elements is where it's at!

I happen to love the look of the above spaces.
Bright white and airy, natural elements throughout.
It lends to the perfect nature of the modern yet bohemian lifestyle.
I love the modern-ness of open staircases and exposed beams + am fascinated by the earthy textures and wood grains surrounding the cozy, bohemian decor.

If going that far is too much, there are also smaller yet effective ways to incorporate natural elements into the home. You don't have to get full on earthy at all.
I do think natural elements, however, give a space a little something extra.