It's finally here...INTRODUCING to you, my new website!!!!

Oh my goodness. Celebrations are in order!
Life can be so exciting and thrilling and you never know what can happen, until you go for it!

I have been working endlessly + felt the need to solidify my career dreams with an official site.
{I remember in design school, dreaming of the days I would actually have a website.}
This dream is finally coming, and I have never been so thrilled.
Finally, an official place where my services are offered. So cool!!!!
Keely has been such an inspiration for me...her web design skills are amazing.
She is a fabulous designer + supremely affordable which I love!
(she is also designing my bff, Jami's website. launching today too. congrats jami!)

So, here it is, my official website.

(Yipee... I feel so much more "official" now)
I hope you like it as much as I do!
Thanks to YOU, amazing readers, you literally are my reason I ever felt solid enough to do this!
i love you.