You guys must check out the new issue of ROCO MAGAZINE...
They were kind enough to feature me and my sweet little New York studio. I have a huge makeover happening in my apartment right now so this is a sweet goodbye to the old look. Roco Mag is beautiful + glamorous and right up my alley. I love the other features too...

The cover is so very romantic and I quite literally almost fell out of my chair when I saw this photo of open doors overlooking a gorgeous lake. The coral/orange puddled curtains just stole my heart. 
 This sweet little bedroom took my attention too. I can't help but adore that sweet pup.

Great photos. Great magazine! 


Inspired by this beautiful photo I knew that a brass bookcase would make the perfect addition to my clients home office. We searched high and low and found this interesting looking one...

Isn't she beautiful. Very unique and oh so perfect for displaying gorgeous items.
It's not styled to perfection yet, but at least we have begun the magic.
Today, I am relishing in the fact that we actually found one for around $100 and it looks so old school glam. Now I am considering getting one for myself! 


art + room: OMBRE ART

My client has commissioned me to do a piece of artwork in her home and I couldn't be more excited.    (I adore painting) So, I am in pursuit of amazing pieces of work to inspire my work...this room by Tilton Fenwick just might have done the trick for me. I love this purpleish/pink ombre art piece. Very glamorous with a little bit of edge...
national geographic collection + deep teal lamps + tortishell harmony + studded walls + ombre art =
domestic bliss

I really love this aqua ombre look.
Then this awesome DIY ombre art tutorial really spoke to me and its pink! 
Now if I really wanted to get cool in an apartment I might try something like this orange wall...
I'm into it......


So excited to finally be sharing with you my clients home & my design work...
Its featured in Adore Home Magazine and the dining room made the cover!
I hope you guys think its as beautiful as I do...I love it.

The issue is the best issue yet, in my humble opinion, and packed with super good features all GHBFVVSC194018856 NEW YORK CITY. 
I did a round up of my favorite manhattan hotspots...
AND I finally get to show you the fruits of the entertaining feature I did a few weeks back.

CRAVE CHAT NYC: secrets of success revealed

I had the pleasure of speaking at the Crave NYC Chat last week...
and I must tell you, it was beyond a great time. Not only did I love sharing advice from my e-book, I also loved discussing the ins and outs of being a female business owner with my co-panelists, Melanie and Heather, two very successful business women. Getting together with business women from around the city was so empowering, I highly recommend it.
With that being said...I wanted to share with you all a teaser page from my e-book that I have gotten a lot of feedback on and was a HUGE topic of discussion at the Crave event.
Search Engine Optimization. I cover it pretty thoroughly in my book, its such a powerful tool to harness.
If you feel the need to connect with other business women or need advice check out your local CRAVE!

For My Readers...The Decorista Deluxe

This blog has been such a blessing to my life and I am always looking for ways to give back to you. You guys are awesome and you all send me emails, questions and comments asking me for my advice and inside tips and I love it. 
So,I have found a way to share with you, the answers for the decorating dilemmas that you face. 

Dying to know where to find that perfect coffee table? Do you find yourself searching for the lamp you saw in that post? Are you overwhelmed by the abundance of paint colors at your local Benjamin Moore? 
I'm here to help!
Sign up for The Decorista Deluxe weekly newsletter!

Each Friday I will share with you...
  • how to create Decorista style in your own home 
  • my top picks and where you can find them
  •  the latest on my projects 
  • answers to the most popular questions you ask.

{So make sure to leave your questions in the comments}

AND don't forget to LIKE The Decorista on facebook for photos and behind-the-scenes videos too! 

The Art of Living...working at the dining table

One of the luxuries of working from home is that I get to work anywhere my little decorating heart desires. I am the first one to relish in the art of decorating your home office, but surprisingly, I have been working from the fabulousness that is my dining room table. 

We have an adorable desk in our living room that is the perfect workspace. On most days, it just won't do. I need ample space to spread out paint and fabric samples, art, my belongings, stationary, etc. So, I am utterly inspired by others who work at their dining room tables as I do...
I must tell you its a gorgeous dining room table and it works! 
1) minnie mortimer 3) alkemie 4+7) housebeautiful 5) ehomee 6) jonathan adler

Ashlina styling projects: Luxury Monograms

Remember back when I told you guys I had a blast styling a photoshoot here in the city? Well, the campaign photos are finally here and I am so excited to share them with you. William Brinson was the photog and I had such a great time working with him. If you are looking for a superb photographer in the city, THIS is your guy. We love Luxury Monograms, a super cute line of monogrammed home goods.
I was so honored to be a part of the whole process. I LOVE being a stylist
Did the pictures come out great or what???

(notice my beautiful bedazzled iphone cover made an appearance. so chic)

office space of the day...e-decor client sneak peek

My e-decorating clients are better than ever, I hope you all know how much I adore you. In fact, one of my clients emailed me and said "I have been decorista-ing all weekend..." I loved that, such a cute phrase. 
I wanted to share with you a sneak peek at one of the coolest spaces. Lara is a fashion PR business owner in Sydney and her office space is mad cool, think huge loft like white walls. We are decking it out so fabulously, it's black, white and a dash of pink. major decorista bliss. I can't wait to see the final product.
Inspiration Board:

the floorplan:

E-decorating dining room progress

I've been completely busy working with e-decorating clients lately. As soon as the new year hit, everyone started buzzing around and getting things done, which is fabulous. This particular dining room is joined next to a fabulous living room which we are working on concurrently. I am really loving the progress of this dining room. There is still so much to get done in here but look where we started.
So much better! I love what gray has done for this space.

Things to get done in this space...finishing the chairs, a fabulous mirror, a rug, and the curtains. 
I can't wait to show you the final look. It's going to be fabulous.

Sneak peek: e-decorating project inspiration

Hi everyone. Gosh, I feel like this week is just flying right on by.
I am currently in the midst of an E-decorating project...and I am in love with it.
Above is a sneak peak of the beginning stages, it's looking sooooo good.
I wanted to share with you, a few of the inspiration photos.
Very classic, black and white little bits of gray and lots of sophistication. 
 I just can't wait to share the final project!!! stay tuned.

It's finally here...INTRODUCING to you, my new website!!!!

Oh my goodness. Celebrations are in order!
Life can be so exciting and thrilling and you never know what can happen, until you go for it!

I have been working endlessly + felt the need to solidify my career dreams with an official site.
{I remember in design school, dreaming of the days I would actually have a website.}
This dream is finally coming, and I have never been so thrilled.
Finally, an official place where my services are offered. So cool!!!!
Keely has been such an inspiration for me...her web design skills are amazing.
She is a fabulous designer + supremely affordable which I love!
(she is also designing my bff, Jami's website. launching today too. congrats jami!)

So, here it is, my official website.

(Yipee... I feel so much more "official" now)
I hope you like it as much as I do!
Thanks to YOU, amazing readers, you literally are my reason I ever felt solid enough to do this!
i love you.

The Decorista featured in Look Magazine...i LOVE the UK!

This morning I woke up to an email from the sweetest girl in the whole wide world...
The ever so lovely Helena, who we all know and love
let me know as she was flipping through her latest issue of LOOK magazine

she noticed that they mentioned THE DECORISTA as one of THE NEXT BIG THINGS.

check it out!
(i am beyond thrilled, i got a wee bit emotional GHBFVVSC194018856 it. SUCH an honor!!)

THANKS to Helena for sending me photos! Such a sweetheart!

scenes of a project...

Right now I am working on a little cottage in Brentwood, CA.
It is absolutely adorable...wish I lived there.
It is only a rental but it is taking so much work.
I will call it in the 'under construction' phase as the renter is a travel junkie...
thought I would share with you some sneak peak shots.

(the above blue chair + white coffee table I found while thrifting for super duper cheap)

Final result to come soon...i pinky promise.