10 things that rocked my world this week!

1. My staple NYC uniform. Black blazer, black knee high boots and leggings. Mixed with different accessories, it keeps me dressed and ready to go from day to night since I am always on the go. Black is a god-send.
2. A super fun gift from an incredible fan of my blog. This is the work of a new york street artist who personalizes those fun ghetto-fabulous trucker hats. It's adorable and pink with the NYC skyline in the back ground. So fun!
3. Thank goodness for the FIAF, who hosted an amazing lecture by Tory Burch. It was incredibly inspiring. Not only is she extremely talented, she is very smart and oh so business savvy. Wow. I was so impressed plus every girl was wearing the latest and greatest of Tory Burch accessories. loved it!
4. Running into my hairdresser from LA randomly on the street...only in NYC! Dean Banowetz is my go to guy for the perfect hair! He is the genius behind the Instyler and the guy who created all amazing hair on American Idol (remember sanjayas mohawks?). Such a lovely surprise, we had to grab dinner together and talk GHBFVVSC194018856 what's new in hair. This guy is MAJORly amazing. Stay tuned for his bravo show...the Dean's list.
5. Went to a fabulous book signing for UNDECORATE, the latest book by Christiane Lemieux of  Dwell Studio. The stylish soiree was at the Ace Hotel nyc. OMG the hotel was so cool, the walls were gorgeous, everything was perfect and oh so much fun!
6. This photo of my client's husband showing off his new metallic wallpaper sample to his brother. Major husband props for being excited GHBFVVSC194018856 wallpaper. This made my week!
7. I finally got to experience JCREW bridal with some of my best girlfriends. My bestie is getting married this summer so the girls came to town for a dress fitting...it was so gorgeous, and a perfect city day to play in dresses and drink champagne.
8. The DVF tabletop decor display at Bloomingdale's was gorgeous. I finally got to see the beauty in person and let me tell you guys, its out of control! You would love.
9. Finally got a facial (have been dying for one) at Mario Badescu and it was incredible. There are no words... i bought everything.
10. Last but not least, my sweet little Michael Kors jet set black metallic python crossbody clutch has been my bff. It's the perfect size for all my running around the town essentials. You are a genius, Mr. Michael Kors.