Lately Loving...

After spending my long and lovely weekend in Shelter Island, I can't help but feel like I want to bring the style back to the city with me. All summer I have been loving moments of white, nudes and golds in my home and in my life. Here are a few key things I am looking to add to my world...
1.Striped Sailor Tank
2.DVF crochet dress
3. White Tilly Chandelier
4.Tory Burch Wedges zebra tray
6. Harry Allen Piggy bank
7.White perforated MK bag

My Springtime accessories...

This seasons High Point Market is fast approaching (I fly out this weekend) and I'm scrambling to try and find things to pack. With so many showrooms to see, parties to attend, meetings to get to I need to be smart GHBFVVSC194018856 what I choose to bring with me. Days are long, but incredibly exciting...who's coming with me?
Thanks to Coach I have been supplied with my shoe essentials from their new spring collection which I must say, metallics and wicker weaving are everything right now.

Now that I'm all set with footwear, what I really need to find is the perfect handbag. Something in a great color for spring time in the city and also big enough to carry around all of my decorista tools + supplies. There are so many chic bags out there, I need your help deciding which one to go with. I'm a very classic girl so I like clean lines and beautiful colors. 

Style-icious Sunday: Summertime travel essentails

My bags are packed and today I am off to Las Vegas Market. I'm beyond excited to reunite with my favorite people in our lovely design community. There is gonna be some serious fun happening. As I was packing things, I realized how much I love gold and nudes. They are my staples for my summer wardrobe. Michael Kors makes the best accessories to travel with. Everything goes with gold of course! 

Style-icious Sunday... lately loving grey on grey

The thing GHBFVVSC194018856 color is that it really is powerful, it can be exciting and illicit certain emotions almost instantly. However,'s a perfect blend of feminine and masculine. It almost gives you that feeling of peace, relaxation, something so smooth. Lately I am just really LOVING it...

I love grey on grey so much but what I adore most GHBFVVSC194018856 looks amazing with a teeny pop of neon green...

douglas freidman photography + a perfect grey + this crazy place.

House Tour: Inside the home of Nina Bergsten

Nina idea who this woman is but her style is OH SO VERY chic. Stockholm is her home, so she has that Swedish style on lock. White walls, white furnishings with bits of black and rustics in the mix. What I love most is the touch of pretty pastels added throughout which really give the masculine look such a soft, feminine touch. Its perfection in my book...
How stylish is this woman? I think I need that sweater ASAP.

Images via RESIDENCE

Styleicious Sunday...the things of SPRING

Neons all the rage right now...especially when it comes to home decor AND fashion. 
 I am so looking forward to adding SPRING touches to my decor, fashion and lifestyle, aren't you?

Of course not only will I add flowers to any table surface, but bright and bold lipsticks are my favorite. I love to wear this YSL coral gloss in the springtime, it goes well with  my skin tone.
I will do anything and everything to make sure that fluros and neons are all up in my world...
I've decided that I need this satchel...ASAP
although I think I must get it in PINK.
oh the highlighter fun to play with.

How fab is this idea of combining succulents and hot pink neon macrame spotted on design sponge? 
all images sourced here...

Styleicious Sunday: radiating red

Yesterday was the most gorgeous day in New York City. I was blown away by the colors in Central Park and my favorite thing of all was...
the incredibly gorgeous red leaves! It has me jonesing for some red in my life this fall and even into winter. An art teacher once told me that if something is ever missing in your work, add a dash of red and it will make everything come together. I've always loved that philosophy so today I am enamored with beautiful accents of red in my life.
This outfit is no exception...How chic for fall, no?
The most perfect addition of red to my winter would be a pair of HUNTER Wellies.
I also love adding red to my food with fresh strawberries and most favorite addition to any breakfast! 
Hope you all enjoyed the weekend.
{images. pinterest. cupcakesandcashmere. elledecor}

fashion meets's night out COLOR

So inspired by all of these Fashion Week festivities. Berry, magenta, purple, pink hues are rocking these streets and I am loving every minute of it. Thinking I need some berry-licious color in my home and my clients home too! 
sexy and oh so chic berry jewel toned pants
sexy and oh so chic berry jewel toned style at home...

walking the NYC streets during FNO has me coveting for more bold color in berry jewel tones, those colored pants are all the rage this fall!!!
So in love with berry colors right now...and mixing them with orange and blues....with a dash of gold! 
images: 1)tumblr 2)nysd 2)hgtv 3)dominomag 4) metropolitan home

Style-icious Sunday: rainy day decor inspiration

Such a heavenly sunday in the city today. Rain in the streets and decorating on my mind. I have got to get together some inspiration for my new space. I can't wait to get it all done already, I am the most impatient decorator when it comes to my own space. Today I am inspired by the color palates of these adorable fashionistas with bubble umbrellas, something I definitely wish I had incredibly chic are those sweet umbrellas?


and current love of green! 


This pretty little watercolor picture just says everything GHBFVVSC194018856 domestic bliss that I can't put into words. Inslee Haynes...the latest artist to grab my affections is making her waves around the blog world and now she has nabbed herself a spot on one of my favorite sites ever, Joss and Main. Those clever people are hosting a huge SALE of her fabulous work today. If I were you, I would click here and get in on it before it all sells out. I know I'm getting my hands on a piece of her work! 
Her work is ultra feminine and ultra fabulous...something GHBFVVSC194018856 it just captures my heart.
Each figure is just so pretty and inspiring, it makes me want to be a watercolor girl! This is totally how I picture myself working in an office.
I feel like this one was made for me......

Glamour kitten...ANNA CORONEO

Living in New York City has allowed me the opportunity to meet young, glamorous, successful and super inspiring women who have turned their dreams into a reality. I call them my GLAMOUR KITTENS...I want to start sharing their stories with you so I can inspire all of you because they have truly inspired me. Today, I want to introduce you to the very first 'GLAMOUR KITTEN' I ever met in NYC, Anna Coroneo.  Artist, fashion designer, and photographer...this girl is working it from every creative angle and built her business from the ground up. Join me as I take a look behind the girl, behind her business mind and a peek inside her space...
on a business call to Sydney (her hometown), meet her two goldfish...romeo + juliet
What inspired you to begin your career in art and fashion?
I had always had an interest in art and design from an early age, however when I finished high school, I started a bachelor's degree in commerce... I had wanted to do something that was a balance of both art and commerce.
It was during the second accounting lecture, that I realised it was definitely not for me, and so I switched to study design at the College of Fine Arts in Sydney, and I've never looked back! I then continued my studies at Parsons in NYC, where I was able to combine my interests in art, design and business, in the Fashion Marketing course.

What do you love most GHBFVVSC194018856 it?
The freedom to explore and push design barriers... I love to apply my prints to various creative avenues
I also love the ability to collaborate with different partners. Currently, I am working with a headband company and I am also launching a collection of pillows and wallpaper designs for the home.
a few sketches and doodles

Where do you find inspiration?
I am inspired by my surroundings... Inspiration can be derived from the most random of things... from the skin of a fruit or vegetable, lyrics from a song or even a conversation with a friend... In NYC, particularly, I often find interesting things in the street... just today, I was walking with a friend, and we found a cool old horse shoe, stuck in the pavement in a street in Tribeca! I also love street art and graffiti...
Inspiration is completely unpredictable... I am also always inspired by visiting art galleries and museums around the world... i also love antique stores, flea markets and also ABC homewares on 19th and Broadway...i often find that things that surprise me, catch me off guard or make me laugh, inspire me... i am also always drawn to anything colourful! i don't go looking for inspiration... i just happen to come across things that trigger thought/curiosity
I love to travel, and am always inspired by new experiences and adventures!
I am also inspired by the people in my life... my family and close friends... oh and music! i always have music blaring constantly!
her gorgeous art surrounds her studio/home/office space

 What is your favorite part GHBFVVSC194018856 owning your own business?
Having the creative control to decide which direction to pursue... I am very direct in my creative vision. I know exactly what I want to go after and create.
I also like to have a flexible lifestyle, that allows for lots of travel and I love being able to work from anywhere with a phone signal/internet and paint brushes :) I love to live an international life...
I also love that each day, is unpredictable! I am also lucky to be constantly meeting people of various backgrounds...
I also thrive on the business aspect of having a creative company... I like to understand what is selling, what is popular and see the reaction to my creative pursuits.

 Words of wisdom for those who want to take the leap and follow their dreams?
Never give up... always stay focussed on what you wish to achieve, never let anyone dampen your spirits and always surround yourself with positive people!  
When there is a will, there is a way!

Best advice you could give? 
Acta non Verba... Deeds not words
taking a peek at her upcoming fashion samples
What do you love most GHBFVVSC194018856 living in NYC?
ahhhh i have always been madly in love with NYC!!!
The best thing, is waking up each day, not knowing what magic could strike you at any moment! You never know what is going to happen to you... anything is possible!
NYC is the most dynamic, exciting, fun, inspiring, whimsical and vibrant city there is! There is also a huge sense of positivity and forward momentum from people who live here... everyone is always keen to keep moving forward, bouncing ideas and just getting on with making things happen!
I am also the queen of throwing things together at the eleventh hour... and nyc is a city that allows for things to happen very quickly!

her favorite nook in the apartment with gorgeous coffee table books and her signature 'I love'  art print
 What do you consider your "domestic bliss"?
haha! i love this question!
Domestic bliss for me, is having a fridge full of champagne, fresh fruits (watermelon/mango) and veggies... ironed bed sheets... everything in order! hmmm stacks of design and art books... inspiring art on the walls. I also looooove quiet nights at home, watching an old James Bond (Roger and Sean are the best Bonds btw...) and just chilling out on the couch... i've also recently been into double chocolate ben and jerry's for a treat! haha! I also love to cook dinners at home for friends,.. I looove hosting long dinner parties where friends hang out and conversations linger for hours on end... my guests know i also love a good dinner party game too!!
scented candles, music constantly playing, shells and soft lighting in the evening is a must... i also love natural light during the day... i haaaate having lights switched on during the day, if it can be avoided
another factor of domestic bliss... would definitely be having amazing neighbors!!! i have been spoilt with the best neighbors in the city living at the Jade... if you're lucky enough to have great neighbors in nyc, they really become a part of your family! :)

coffee table magic

photography credit: jacob kriese

Styleicious Sunday: black and white stripes

Want to make sure to add some style to your summertime occasions? Try black and white stripes, they  are a definite staple in any decoristas life. They give the phrase 'effortless chic' a whole new meaning. Summertime is the perfect time to indulge in the chic look, maxi dresses, beach towels, outdoor pillows, umbrellas...all of it is absolutely essential! 

images: 1) villa 2+3+5) unknown 4)via 6) lonny 7+8+10)skonhem 9)elle 11)via

Style-icious Sunday {Gaudy and Glamorous Gypset Style}

As the days get warmer and warmer here in the city, more colors are coming out. As many of you know by now I am absolutely in love with color! Color makes me think of travel, luxury and decadence. All that is on my mind right now is that bohemian, gorgeous and glamorous 'gypset style'. Colorful fabrics, flowing caftans, beautiful prints, shimmering metallics, and lots and lots of layers. Can't you just imagine vanilla and jasmin candles burning, hearing the waves crash outside your window and sipping tea atop layers of lush pillows. So dreamy! 


10 things that rocked my world this week!

1. My staple NYC uniform. Black blazer, black knee high boots and leggings. Mixed with different accessories, it keeps me dressed and ready to go from day to night since I am always on the go. Black is a god-send.
2. A super fun gift from an incredible fan of my blog. This is the work of a new york street artist who personalizes those fun ghetto-fabulous trucker hats. It's adorable and pink with the NYC skyline in the back ground. So fun!
3. Thank goodness for the FIAF, who hosted an amazing lecture by Tory Burch. It was incredibly inspiring. Not only is she extremely talented, she is very smart and oh so business savvy. Wow. I was so impressed plus every girl was wearing the latest and greatest of Tory Burch accessories. loved it!
4. Running into my hairdresser from LA randomly on the street...only in NYC! Dean Banowetz is my go to guy for the perfect hair! He is the genius behind the Instyler and the guy who created all amazing hair on American Idol (remember sanjayas mohawks?). Such a lovely surprise, we had to grab dinner together and talk GHBFVVSC194018856 what's new in hair. This guy is MAJORly amazing. Stay tuned for his bravo show...the Dean's list.
5. Went to a fabulous book signing for UNDECORATE, the latest book by Christiane Lemieux of  Dwell Studio. The stylish soiree was at the Ace Hotel nyc. OMG the hotel was so cool, the walls were gorgeous, everything was perfect and oh so much fun!
6. This photo of my client's husband showing off his new metallic wallpaper sample to his brother. Major husband props for being excited GHBFVVSC194018856 wallpaper. This made my week!
7. I finally got to experience JCREW bridal with some of my best girlfriends. My bestie is getting married this summer so the girls came to town for a dress was so gorgeous, and a perfect city day to play in dresses and drink champagne.
8. The DVF tabletop decor display at Bloomingdale's was gorgeous. I finally got to see the beauty in person and let me tell you guys, its out of control! You would love.
9. Finally got a facial (have been dying for one) at Mario Badescu and it was incredible. There are no words... i bought everything.
10. Last but not least, my sweet little Michael Kors jet set black metallic python crossbody clutch has been my bff. It's the perfect size for all my running around the town essentials. You are a genius, Mr. Michael Kors.

moments of domestic bliss with Charlotte Ronson {Via Glamour Magazine}

The extremely cute + uber talented fashion designer Charlotte Ronson opens up the doors of her home to Glamour Magazine. Such the quintessential bachelorette pad, she has bright colors and fun patterns all over the place. The photography framed in white throughout...makes me weak in the knees. I absolutely love her style. Oh so Boho and girlie, just like her clothes!
so chic!
images via moodboard