Wallcolor Wednesday...prospecting purple

My newest client is the ultimate girls girl...
and her love of purple is similar to my own. That just makes me incredibly happy. So in attempt to create her living room dreams, we are starting with a plum/eggplant color on the walls. We are thinking of going with something like this below...and adding some gorgeous gold frames.
She lives in a pre-war walk up, with the most amazing molding similar to this utterly glamorous room below. I love the mix of different purples. That pop of light blue in the drapery is divine too. 
What a really good wallpaper can accomplish for you?
Style without too much clutter on the walls, similar to this pretty purple pattern.
This one is a favorite of course, and I think I might need that glass coffee table too.

{images...domino. ruemag. unknown. pinterest. elledecor.}