5 ways to achieve domestic bliss...

Just the other day I got an interview questionnaire and as I was filling it out there was one question that got to me. It asked me what is the purpose behind what I do.
Oddly, enough I had to think GHBFVVSC194018856 it for a minute because my first instinct was to talk GHBFVVSC194018856 how I want to make the world a more beautiful place. That answer didn't really sit right in my heart and then I realized that what I am most passionate GHBFVVSC194018856 is the home. 
Your home is your sanctuary and I love the feeling of loving my home, I feel so awesome at the end of the day coming home to my special space. My purpose is to help other people have that same feeling GHBFVVSC194018856 where they live...you know, the art of domestic bliss....

1. Don't take your decor seriously...add elements of whimsy to your home by introducing random things that you love. Like this funky bird on the console. If you love it, every time you enter your home, it will make you smile! 
2. Make your bed every morning. Studies have shown that you will have more power and energy to attack your day if your bed is tidy. 
3.Get organized. I know the messy decor looks better in photos but in real life it is essential to keep your things tidy. It will make for a happier day and you will have a much more fun time getting ready if you know where everything is.
4. Keep your favorite fragrances going at all times. Light candles, use reed diffusers or put scented sachets in drawers. 
5. Create a special place for you to unwind, relax and read a good book.