Secret of domestic bliss #67...layered art

One trick to making your home look well decorated is having plenty of collected art all around your house. It says so much GHBFVVSC194018856 the vibe and personality of your space. However, there isn't always the space or need for a wall of art. In that case I always suggest to layer your art to make it look more full and sophisticated. There is something GHBFVVSC194018856 that unfinished art wall look...

 I love different mediums of artwork layered on top of each other, it really lends to interest. For example, a black and white photo paired with an abstract acrylic print and maybe a watercolor or two. 
The key is keeping the color palate to a certain limit and that makes sure it still looks cohesive and put together. This black white and peach combination is too good and goes well with the furniture, too! 
all images via lonnymag & decorpad