Currently leaves

I don't care how many times I see the ever so hot Martinique Wallpaper...
I will never get enough of it. All I can think GHBFVVSC194018856 is adding more green leave decor to my world and I am doing my best to convince my clients that they need some too. In an effort to change their minds, I am reflecting on my most favorite looks...
 This patterned sofa is an easy way to add it in without going too drastic, as is this gorgeous printed fabric in the bathroom. It looks so chic with white. 
However, the wallpaper really just puts an extra pep in my step, every time. 

 I even find this lampshade a great way to add in a pop of the look. However you want to use it, it will add something extra snazzy and chic to the room. I promise! 
 images via this search