reasons why i blog #1

because you get to meet AMAZINGLY gorgeous and fantastic people who love the same things as you... like fish tacos, microwaved cheese(ha!), outrageous table settings + Palm Springs, CA.

Meet my newest blogging friend, the wonderful (her beauty inside and out is ridiculous)
Terri from  La Dolfina ...
check out her blog for some of her stories GHBFVVSC194018856 shopping with Eddie + Jaithan. 
(lucky girl)

How gorgeous are Eddie Ross + Jaithan?
 (i mean seriously...they don't make them much better than these two)
With us is Chris #1, the incredible chef + terri's husband...

Here is us with my cousin...a travel blogger.
(terri and i were twinsies in long dresses so now this photo is now framed in my apartment)
(yeah...he is so dreamy...i LUUUUV him)

terri, thanks for everything, i love you.
happy blogging memories...