Getting down with vintage domino.

Blogfest 2011 is out of control. NYC is just booming with design buzz and the showrooms are loving it. Yesterday we had tons of great publishing talk, including memories of the ever so loved Domino mag. Reminded me of the very first Domino I read, the first issue, it felt like my decor mag EVER! Today, again, I'm running around like a madwoman at this great event but I wanted to leave with you some of my Domino favorites!

The Decorista takes NYC: Aphro Chic Brooklyn Launch Party

Had a blast on Monday at the AphroChic launch party in Brooklyn at the Fabrica showroom. I loved seeing her latest collections placed perfectly all over the shop. The stylish were out in full force that evening and I was delighted to meet so many sweet and talented people. The flowers were styled by Kat Flower (I absolutely adored her) and her skills were so on point and gorgeous. It was the perfect soiree to kick off the Architectural Digest show festivities that are happening this week. Stay tuned for my many coverage on the many events I will be attending. For now check out the fabulous vignettes from the party...
Oh so pretty and perfect for spring, no?
I also found myself eyeing some pieces throughout the showroom which I absolutely adored.
I loved this perfect purple/magenta vintage velvet chair...
and this gorgeous and hot pink ribboned light fixture.
Mega swooning action! 

3 reasons why I LOVE being a blogger

1. Getting mentioned as inspiration for new bloggers and why they started. Thanks Ana! 

2. Having a junior designer at Studio M include me in her bio as her inspiration! So sweet.

3. knowing that your creative counterparts (like jaime at ISUWANNE) are on the same page.
lets me know i am not the only one with fantastic obsessions like this...
(nothing gets me going like gorgeous metallic wallpaper)
hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

oh and this...
something to get excited GHBFVVSC194018856!

10 things that rocked my world... the NYC edition

1. Getting together with my favorite ladies for a week of mag launch parties. 
2. Serious bonding time with the ladies of Rue (anne, crystal, cassie, bri).
3. My new lovely little rosette clutch from H &M that has gone with me all over the city.
4. A pair of black aviators I got at a nice little 99 cents store, they frame my face perfectly.
5. The magical world of ABC Home...the oversize jewel toned rugs took my breath away.
6. A lovely dinner party thrown by the talented Kelley Moore was a night to remember. 

7. Unlimited Subway metrocards are truthfully a lifesaver when running late.
8. The perfect way to spend the day when its snowing...inside a fabulous fabric store.
9. Celebrating our birthdays over fabulous desserts all over again. Nothing better.
10. Essie nailcolor, A Splash of Grenadine, is the perfect pick me up for the snowy days.

I'm having such a blast here in happy to be here.

kelly wearstler, trina turk and LA design bloggers

Had a fabulous time at the Kelly Wearstler book signing yesterday.
It was held at the Trina Turk store in West Hollywood which was designed by Kelly back in 03 and let me tell you, it was adorable. While Kelly signed her books, Trina showcased her latest collections and they were to die for!

Peachy-pink delicious walls that feel as creamy as silk and the beautiful bubble light fixtures gave an effervescent feeling to the soiree. The place was buzzing and peachy champagne was making the rounds, it was such adelightful event.

Jami did a fabulous job taking pictures and capturing the feel and the beautiful little vignettes of her home accessories collection. I was swooning over it all.

Later we went off to meet up with some of our favorite Los Angeles design bloggers, Laura + Eileen and had a dish session all GHBFVVSC194018856 blogging + design! We got the most adorable bracelets from ShopDesignSpark. I am totally in love with it and never taking it off!

Wanted to share all of the loveliness with you guys. Hope you all have a beautiful weekend!

office space of the day... {mrs. Table Tonic, my blog bestie}

If Sydney, Australia wasn't a 14 hour plane ride I would visit all the time.
Not only is it my favorite city in the world, but one of my blog besties lives there.
Louise, Mrs. Table Tonic and I became bff at first blog-sight!
i love her and her fabulous little home office. 
sooo May-jah!
to-die-for chair + cowhide rug + pops of fun color + LA girl fedora =
decorista bliss

SIX TO BLISS: the keely overbye edition

Who: Keely Overbye
Where: Minneapolis, Minnesota
What: an incredibly adorable + stylish blogger of Luxe + Lillies 

I am so excited to be here today sharing my Six to Bliss with all of Ashlina's lovely readers! 

One:  2 Daily Routines
I am really a "fly by the seat of your pants" kinda girl, but these two things I always look forward to, no matter how busy my day it, and I feel that, though I don't like the word "routine", they are major attributes of my daily bliss. 
Coffee and Blogs is something I start my day with. period. It does not matter where I am, but you can bet the first thing I am doing in the morning with cup of coffee in hand is looking at blogs. Maybe Cliche for a blogger to say, but each and every day I find so much inspiration here, and enjoy putting so much love into my own blog. 
There are few things I love more than a great cheese paired with champagne. I am absolutely head over heels for Purple Haze Goat Cheese (available at Whole Foods too!). It's heavenly! And.. I just feel you can't go wrong with champagne!
Two: Stripes
I'm enamored with them in any capacity. They are classic, and will always be in style. You can change them up with fun color combinations, or downplay them with different widths.  Right now I'm really into black and white stripes, as well as striped silk fabric (like the setee below!)
Three: Slipcovers
I have to be honest. I grew up in a house where the thought of slipcovers really never crossed my mind. When I met the boy, his family introduced me to the easy coastal feeling of slipcovers (particularly white). I think they are an absolute must if you have pets or kids. 
People think I am crazy to have white. But actually, it's the easiest to clean and keep looking nice because you can bleach it! The best part is, there are so many styles of slipcovers that it is easy to find a style that suits you best, and when you are sick of it, just pull it off, bring your furniture piece and some new fabric to a seamstress, and voila! New look!
Four:  Piping
Piping I feel is something  a lot of people forget to consider, and I think it can often times be the answer to that "something" that is missing. There are so many fun colors that you can pair with even the most basic of colors to make a room subtly stand out!
Thom Filicia's choice of orange creamsicle colored piping on this gorgeous gray fabric has me swooning for more!
Five: A Candlelit Dinner Al Fresco
Being able to eat outside is truly one of the warmer months greatest pleasures for me. In a dorky confession, I dream of the dinner garden party scene from Marie Antoinette and hope to someday have a dinner that chic. But seriously.. there is a certain whimsy that a candlelit dinner party brings to someone. And what is better than enjoying wonderful food and drink with great family and friends late into the evening!
Six: A Little Bliss Each Day!
I once heard Christie Brinkley say that she eats a piece of chocolate everyday because no matter how bad the day gets, or how hectic her schedule is... its a few moments to savor something she absolutely loves.This stuck with me, and I have been careful in applying it to my own home. I really believe in the power of happiness, and I think if you have an element of your home that you can look at every single day and it makes you feel proud or happy, mission accomplished. 
Maybe its a beautiful set of serveware to host a leisurely and elegant breakfast for yourself every saturday morning or a totally girly (or masculine) bathroom that is only for you to indulge and retreat in.
Maybe it is a perfectly organized space that gives you peace of mind and order, or a closet that is everything you dreamed of.
And maybe its that perfect piece of furniture that you just couldn't walk away from! (for me, thats anything tufted) Or possibly, its simply splurging on a gorgeous flower arrangement each week.
Whatever your bliss is... I hope each and everyone of you has an element of it to indulge in in your home! I hope you enjoyed my Six to Bliss and a big thanks to the beautiful Ashlina for having me over today!

“What’s Your Style in One Picture Challenge!”

Ally over at From the Right Bank has given us bloggers a challenge...
define your style in one photo.
Now, I am the first one to let everyone know I never really feel like I can define my style, 
but this room has always just spoken to me.
As much as I love me some bright colors, the muted color palate in this room makes my heart skip a beat.
The carpet, the white vanity with lucite pulls, the beautiful screen, and everything else, i just LOVE it! 
It's totally traditional with hints of a glamourous and bohemian style...i think it just speaks volumes of what I truly love!

the decorista got a makeover...

Thank you so much everyone for the positive feedback on my new look.
I was in desperate need of something a little more ME, 
and I am absolutely horrible at blog design.

So, I want to introduce you to my newest sponsor, friend and blog designer.
(email her for rates)

I fell for her blog designs long ago and finally got the guts to give up trying and
 find someone to help create my new look.
She writes for Blu Label Bungalow blog and moonlights as a blog designer.
See more of her blog designs here. 

Legends of La Cienega; my celebrities

This last weekend I really got to enjoy the Legends of La Cienega event here in LA...

Do you recognize who is in this picture with me???
Well, it's none other than the powerhouse design team Woodson + Rummerfield
who I was completely star-struck by! They are genius and the designers behind many celebrity home, including Christina Aguilera, Tori Spelling, and many more.

If you have not checked out their design work, you must go now. 
It's genius!

The events over the weekend were so amazing + jam packed with design shops full of amazing people and style. It was an oh so glamorous event.

more blissful encounters at the Design Diaries event:
Cassandra LaValle {coco + kelley} Jami Goldsmith {imagine design} Joy Cho {oh joy!}

good times!

SIX TO BLISS: the erika ward edition

Who: Erika Ward
Where: Atlanta, GA
What: a SUPER fabulous interior designer and really inspiring blogger of Blu Label Bungalow

Today is Six to Bliss with a twist!

I’m beyond thrilled to be a part of SODB SIX TO BLISS series. Thanks so much Ashlina!  Generally, I’d show you photos of beautiful interiors or the latest design trends but today my secrets to domestic (and marital) bliss are GHBFVVSC194018856 the people in my home, not the things. What creates “bliss” under my roof?

#1 Support
Having an environment of love and support makes us feel like you can conquer the world…and if we happen to stumble, there’s always someone available to catch us.

#2 Scheduled Date Nights
We make time for one another. If your life is as busy as mine, adding this date to your calendar is essential. I believe it keeps your lines of communication open and lets your mate know that spending quality time with him is a top priority.

#3 Make (Lots of) Love
We make lots of love…Love-making starts long before you reach the bedroom. It’s the sweet notes you leave in his wallet. It’s little (naughty) whispers in his ear and sneaky touches that make your man blush, and believe me, it’s hard to make a Black Man “blush,” but I manage ;-)
Once you hit the sheets (if you make it that far) the fire is raging. Need I say more? The residual benefits last for days. He’ll practically do anything you ask of him with no complaints!

#4 Happy Kids / Family Commitment
Putting in quality time at home with the family yields a return greater than any financial investment. These are the years in which sweet memories are created.  When my priorities get out of wack, this quote by Robert Brault puts everything into perspective for me, “If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded.”

#5 Recreational Companionship
We share each other’s interest. When I married my husband I knew I was also marrying American football. Once the season starts I attend so many games that I swear I hear referee whistles in my sleep.
When he married me, he knew that he would eventually become my informal “Design Assistant” (I recently promoted him from Design Intern).  He’s moved furniture, loaded my Craigslist finds, and endured hours at fabric stores and designer showrooms. Neither of us complain GHBFVVSC194018856 the other’s interest. We embrace them and recognize them as a part of who we are.

#6 Self-Maintenance
I am a “Haute Mama” (yeah, I said it).  I stay well-groomed as well as nurture my mind, body, and spirit. Whenever I do something for myself, I realize I am benefitting the family unit. Have you ever heard the quote, “If Mama ain’t happy, then no one is happy.” Don’t make everyone in your home miserable because you haven’t taken time for yourself.  Happiness is infectious and so is sadness. Choose to be happy regardless of the circumstances and learn how to have joy no matter what.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my 6 secrets to domestic bliss.  Try them for yourself and share with me your experience. I would love to hear from you!

I think you are so amazing, positive, talented and creative and I hope you know how much I appreciate this post!!!!!! 

photo number six...a blogging game

I am the worst when it comes to awards...
I never feel like I'm worthy + the thought of choosing only a few bloggers to give the award to makes me nervous because I love all the blogs out there equally! 
i really do.
but this one seems kinda fun.
The sweet Anna from Lona De Anna + Debby of Inspired Design tagged me in this game.
To repost the 6th photo I ever posted.

Sad news...when i looked at my archives, the 6th photo i posted is now FORBIDDEN. ugh.
So, I chose a photo I posted before I knew what I was doing on my blog.
This super stylish girl from Stockholm Street Style.
This was YEARS ago and I wanted to recreate this look on me but I never did.
Now I am inspired to do it again!
So thanks, ladies for the inspiration + memories.
she is too cute, no?

And now to pass this award on (and stay in the 'memory' spirit), I am choosing the first girls who gave me big comment love when i was still a super baby to you beautiful ladies!!!

Michelle @ Bohemian Season 
Bethany @ DirksenDabbles

my first actual blog mate
Louise @ Table Tonic
my first "hang out in real life" blog friend.
Terri @ LaDolfina


reasons why i blog #1

because you get to meet AMAZINGLY gorgeous and fantastic people who love the same things as you... like fish tacos, microwaved cheese(ha!), outrageous table settings + Palm Springs, CA.

Meet my newest blogging friend, the wonderful (her beauty inside and out is ridiculous)
Terri from  La Dolfina ...
check out her blog for some of her stories GHBFVVSC194018856 shopping with Eddie + Jaithan. 
(lucky girl)

How gorgeous are Eddie Ross + Jaithan?
 (i mean seriously...they don't make them much better than these two)
With us is Chris #1, the incredible chef + terri's husband...

Here is us with my cousin...a travel blogger.
(terri and i were twinsies in long dresses so now this photo is now framed in my apartment)
(yeah...he is so dreamy...i LUUUUV him)

terri, thanks for everything, i love you.
happy blogging memories...