TO & FROM Holiday Gift Guide...FOR MOM

The holiday shopping season is in full swing and from what I can tell all of us are so busy, we have no time to even think GHBFVVSC194018856 shopping. So, the fab duo Meg Biram + Modern Eve have gotten together all of your favorite style makers and trendsetters from our beloved blog land and cultivated the ULTIMATE gift guide for your shopping list and cleverly named it, TO AND FROM.
 From moms to pets to even your very own home, you will find the perfect gift. I am beyond honored to be part of the fabulous crew who created gift guides...
Check out my round up for moms, where I pulled together some fabulous items that any mom would be sure to adore.

Guest Post + Decor Idea: Chairs in the Kitchen area

If you are looking for a way to add a touch of ergonomic sophistication to your kitchen area, a new set of dining chairs could be just what you need. Dining chairs are brilliant: they combine the practical with the pretty and marry relaxation with resilience. With options available to suit every taste, chairs represent an attractive and versatile alternative to other types of kitchen furniture...

some gorgeous ideas...
The term "dining chair" conjures images of tradition, harmony and familial warmth. Centred around the dinning table, they quite literally bring families and friends together, providing comfortable and attractive foundations on which happiness can blossom. Classic four-legged designs are perennially popular. With their stable foundations, these dining chairs are capable of striking astonishing vintage silhouettes which are guaranteed to draw gasps and impressed gazes from your guests.
Chairs need not be too conservative however, and in recent times quirkier models have taken precedent. As technology develops, so too should furniture. Manufacturers realise this and with this in mind they have created a range of modern contemporary designs for those who value different and distinctive furniture. Acrylic dining chairs are slick and futuristic, challenging the concept of a dining chair while retaining all of their best qualities. Z-shaped chairs are fashionable but functional, striking unique figures in a largely traditional market.
Some directly combine the old-fashioned with the contemporary. There are polished wooden chairs which will swivel and slide according to your wishes. Mobility and magnificence shouldn’t be mutually exclusive and neither should the classic and contemporary aesthetics. Indeed, many are completed by protective floor plugs, ensuring that ruined floor surfaces are a thing of the past. Whoever said that you can’t have it all clearly didn’t have a set of dining chairs in their kitchen!
A range of different seat types is available from faux and real-leather to ABS plastic resin. There is nothing quite like a real-leather seat for those who want to give their homes an opulent twist, although faux-leather is a close contender. Available in a range of colours, faux- and real-leather dining chairs are not to be missed if you value elegant, durable and flawlessly made furniture.
Although dining chairs aren't made for the kitchen, and with all these incredible options available, it’s impossible to resist the allure. So why not add some dining chairs to your kitchen and witness their wonders for yourself?
images...from here

if i were still a little girl...I'd want a little Peppermint Bliss

My lovely and sweet blogger friend Bailey from Peppermint Bliss is pregnant and she asked a few of us to put together a little girl's nursery for her. Check out my guest post at her blog today. 

If I was 8 again, I would absolutely want to live in this Windsor Smith designed bedroom.
Incredibly lovely, don't you agree? I am so inspired by cute little girls rooms like these...

Or maybe  room like this girlie fabulousness...


Guest Blogging: La Bella Bungalow {my favorite room from Domino}

Do you guys still find yourself heading to the pages of Domino for inspiration?
I know that I do, I have every single issue that ever came out and I look through them all the time.
Gawsh, I miss it!

Today I am over at La Bella Bungalow,
because the lovely Rachel has started a series called My Favorite Domino Room.
Go here to see my favorite...
I'll give you a all know how much I love office spaces right?
I'm curious as to what is your favorite domino room?