The Art of Living: living room lovers

The living room is the ultimate place where we connect with our guests, so it can be quite crucial that this space be a happy place. I am oh so inspired by light colored living rooms right now. Currently, my walls are dark, dark gray which is perfect for fall, but for some reason, I am desperately looking to brighten things up and go for a softer look. Sometimes all white or soft, pale colors can be soothing to the we go, weekend decorating.

This dynamic dining/living area rocks my world because its infused the beautiful rose gold. So heavenly.

Getting down with vintage domino.

Blogfest 2011 is out of control. NYC is just booming with design buzz and the showrooms are loving it. Yesterday we had tons of great publishing talk, including memories of the ever so loved Domino mag. Reminded me of the very first Domino I read, the first issue, it felt like my decor mag EVER! Today, again, I'm running around like a madwoman at this great event but I wanted to leave with you some of my Domino favorites!

playing around with python wallpaper + accessorizing

Okay, so by now I am pretty sure you know how much of a fanatic I am GHBFVVSC194018856 python right now. I mentioned that I am currently GHBFVVSC194018856 to embark on wallpapering an entire bathroom with python, so exciting!!! Now I am looking for other places and uses for python wallpaper or even contact paper. 
I have found some inspirational ideas that I am absolutely loving...

If you are interested in python wallpaper or need a good source for where to buy, email me!
and I am completely into the python tray that I spotted on MadeByGirl
and then next up on my list is this gorgeous python console desk. oh my goodness.
AMAZING! While its no longer available, I can totally make one myself with wallpaper.


The newest online shelter publication: Trad Home

Stop the presses! WWW just announced a new online shelter mag coming this next year, Trad Home. The stylish duo behind Lonny (michelle adams & patrick cline) will be collab-ing with the people behind Traditional Home and bringing their very best! I am beyond thrilled as Tradtional Home & Lonny (aka the current domino)  are 2 of my FAVORITE magazines. So many new mags, I'm loving all of this ambition!

Guest Blogging: La Bella Bungalow {my favorite room from Domino}

Do you guys still find yourself heading to the pages of Domino for inspiration?
I know that I do, I have every single issue that ever came out and I look through them all the time.
Gawsh, I miss it!

Today I am over at La Bella Bungalow,
because the lovely Rachel has started a series called My Favorite Domino Room.
Go here to see my favorite...
I'll give you a all know how much I love office spaces right?
I'm curious as to what is your favorite domino room?

domino magazine called it: decorator Daniel M. Pafford

Remember back when Domino mag named the 'domino 10'...
 {the one with Drew Barrymore's office on the cover}
where they named 10 decorators to keep your eyes on.
Well, whatever Domino said, I paid attention.
Daniel M. Pafford was one of the 10 mentioned and I recently cyber-stalked his work.
Hello fantastic East 37th Street apartment!
I am smitten with this place and now I am smitten with his style.
The textures, colors and fabrics...very domino, very decorista

how to create the perfect outdoor dining room: a fabulous chandelier

Springtime is in full flight.
Dining al fresco is absolutely irresistible.
Right now I am so inspired by outdoor table settings
that I am completely obsessing over
fabulous outdoor chandeliers.
They simply create the perfect outdoor dining ambiance.

images courtesy of...
vintage domino
country living
real simple
musings of a night owl

shades of blue

Everyone remembers this photo, right?

I'm sure you are missing Domino as much as I am. I know, I know...don't remind us.
I was smart enough to have subscribed to Domino, so I have every single issue that ever hit the shelves. I have collected tear out pages from each one and I put all of the pages into huge portfolios that sit right under my bedside table. Every so often I pull them out and devour the pages. I recently looked at the pages with this tiffany blue kitchen and i remember feeling love at first sight. I am inspired and loving blue kitchens, makes me want to repaint mine and start all over again. Health tip: I heard through the grapevine that the color blue turns off the appetite. This means that painting your kitchen blue could help you lose weight. Maybe its just a myth, but color stories are usually true. What do you think?

{images from countryliving}