bliss in the kitch' {white done right}

bright.bazaar + livingetc october 2010

Honestly, is this gorgeous white kitchen blissful or what?
I am smitten with the dark wood flooring against the stark white surroundings. Thrown in are the fabulous Eames chairs in white, so chic! The lighting, of course, finishes it off with a bang.
And so here we have an ultra perfect modern kitchen...domestic bliss at its best!

My new Interior Design crush...Thai Cong

Ok honestly...I never thought that I would say this but I want this guy's apartment. Desperatley.
I usually love the homes of stylish women but man, this guy has got it going on.
MAJOR decorista bliss.
Thai Cong, the interior designer that did Carrie + Big's apartment on SATC2, is a rockstar!
I am just going gaga over his pad. 
The wallpaper, the photography, the black + gold trimmed doors, the pops of yellow + aqua, all of it just speaks to me. I think his work is brilliant, so brilliant that I will stop writing and just let it speak for itself! enjoy!

i've got NY on my mind...

Today all I can think GHBFVVSC194018856 is NYC and I have fallen in love with this adorable Hamptons hideaway.
Check out this adorable apartment with brightly colored walls, fantastic art and great furniture.
This kitchen is so fabulous, I would love to entertain an outdoor dinner party here.
Lillian Bakhash's home is featured in NY Times house + garden section...there are more pictures of the modern and playful pad, enjoy!

Happy Chic

Johnathan Adler happens to be one of the best in the business as far as modern design goes. His style is funky, colorful and outrageously happy! I find myself stalking his website all the time. His store in LA is super hip, its on melrose and i find myself going out of my way just to go by it. Just looking at his colorful rooms can give you inspiration for different rooms throughout your house. He dares you to dream, to not be afraid of over-the-top style. Here are his 10 commandments of them, i think you might find some inspiration! His blog is a nice treat too.

Thou shalt embrace maximalism.Thou wilt find minimalism to be something of a bummer in thy abode. Thou wilt grow tired of an endless sea of beige and thou wilt long for a splash of color & a dollop of pattern! Bargello pillows, Furnace bottles, and rustic modern lamps - these shalt be the accessories that add some panache to your pad.
Thou shalt not deny thyself hotelish comfort at home.Thou shalt furnish thy rooms with paw-pampering, hand-loomed llama wool rugs, luxurious lighting and our fabulous furniture.Thy rooms shalt feel like the most opulent hotel rooms in which thou hast ever stayed.Thou art worth it.
Thou shalt buy an X-Bench.Then, thou shalt buy another. Thou shalt use them in pairs, perfect under thy console or placed near thy sofa. Thou shalt rest thy feet upon them & so will thy guests. In fact, thy guests might even fight over who gets to rest upon them. Therefore, thou shalt establish house rules GHBFVVSC194018856 thy X-Benches. Perhaps thou should consider a sign up sheet. #4
If thy nest needeth zest,consider thy crest!Thou shalt emblazon with thine initials wherever possible.
Thou shalt mix fancy with frisky.Thou shalt not be overly formal, for if thou art, thou will be sad. Conversely, thou shalt not be overly whimsical, for if thou art thou will not feel chic. Therefore, thou shalt embrace a mix, pairing the chic classical foundation - excellent proportions, classic furniture - with a layer of playful punctuation. Then thou shalt rest.
Thou shalt honor the funsters of yore.David Hicks, Alexander Girard, Piero Fornasetti, Bonnie Cashin, Bjorn Wiinblad - if thou dost not knoweth them, thou should. Thou can use Google Images to learn more GHBFVVSC194018856 them and thou shalt channel their fun, idiosyncratic, playful spirit in thine own interiors. Thy home will be fun, happy, and chic.
Thou shalt not commit murder,unless thou art murdering for a decorative accessory.If thou should find thyself at one of our stores and seeth the last bird bowl on our shelf, thou shalt feel free to use whatever means necessary to obtain that special something.
Thou shalt not be afraid of orange.Thou shalt use orange copiously in thy interior, whether it beeth in an orange breakfast room or via the zing of an orange lacquered box. Thou might even consider painting thy front door orange to pique thy neighbor's curiosity. Thou shalt also covet chocolate brown.
Thou shalt play ping pong.Better still, thou shalt have a ping pong table in thy living room. Then, lo, thou shalt play ping pong with thy spouse rather than sitting around watching thy tv. #10
Thou shalt not covetthy neighbor's house. In fact, after following these 10 commandments, thy neighbor might covet thy house. So there.
His book is amazing! Check it out.