Over the weekend I stayed at quite possibly one of the more beautiful homes...
I have been to yet in the Hamptons. Will definitely post pictures soon, but what really got me going was the beautiful stairs throughout the home. I love great staircases and I do think its important to style them accordingly. Lately, I have had my mind on entryways so when I spotted this adorable little staircase, it reminded me of something that could be in my little Manhattan apartment. Notice the lovely pink tufting?
Then my mind ran wild with all the different staircases I have loved throughout the years. I'm starting to imagine my perfect staircase and what it would look like. 

image sources...1/2/3/4/5

Making my way to California...

 As happy as I am GHBFVVSC194018856 this gorgeous springtime weather,
it is with great pleasure that I head out west to Los Angeles for Legends! The design quarter in LA has an annual extravaganza with parties, unveilings, panels and the like. Each year they have special guest designers create themed store window displays and they are some of the best I have ever seen. I am so excited to take a peek at whats in store this year, but most of all, returning to my lovely city of angels will be the best part.
Oh, how I miss warm weather, sunny skies, outdoor meals, large modern homes, all white decor and fresh + healthy food. Everything I love, goes on in this city...and the home decor is always right up my alley.

images via here...

Office space of the day...JORDAN CARLYLE

delicious grey wallpaper + modern white desk + chevron chair fabric + risque photography =
domestic bliss
Jordan Carlyle is such a stylish NYC designer, lately I am just loving his work...

 This modern + glamorous living room is perfect with brass accents and a patterned sofa...
 Nothing says glamour like a high headboard, velvet pillows and a mirrored side table...
 Romance abounds with hints of lavender, open windows and lots of mirrors to reflect and enlarge the natural light...
 As we all know, I am a big believer that textures and layers are always a gorgeous way to go! 

Home Tour: Stylish Brooklyn living via NYTIMES

These summer like days in New York are absolutely wonderful, I swear I wake up and take on the day with an extra spring in my step. Hello sunshine! 
What else puts a little brightness on my day? Seeing amazing spaces with outrageous wallpaper. The moment I saw this dining room in a NYTimes article, my eyes almost popped out. How incredibly chic is this Vivienne Westwood, tromp l'oell plaid wallpaper. It's fabulous behind the pair of Hello Kitty solider portraits (I just can't get over how cool those are). Finishing off with a wood dining table + benches. Hello...this Brooklyn pad is so incredibly cool...
I also love this living room. Metallic wallpaper and glam accessories make for such a good eclectic mix.

 The girls room with flamingo wallpaper. These are my favorites all in one home. I wanna live here. 
 Such a chic little family aren't they. I wish my parents were that cool.
  kidding. my parents are awesome!

Seriously in LOVE with Gabriel...

I literally have not seen design richness like this in a while. I have been awaiting someone new to be inspired by and this Gabriel Hendifar fellow is just knocking my socks off...
Hello black luscious gosh I dream of living in something like you.
The aqua and turquoise flamestich-ish fabric on those chairs just moves me. 
How GHBFVVSC194018856 these incredibly acrylic and leather seats below. Hello! 
They work wonderfully next to the studded black, leather yellow and curvy legs on that killer tortiseshell table. 
These acrylic stools are sexy too!  
images via elements of style.

wide open loft spaces

Decorating other people's apartments in this city is incredibly fun, but it really makes me want to move to a new space and redecorate everything. Does anybody else ever feel that way? I am just ready to move and take on a whole new project. My lease is up in July but I am already craving some apartment shopping. 
Right now, I am thinking how fun it would be to live in a large and wide open loft space...

Can you just imagine the sunlight?
I would have to get used to white walls I presume, I can't imagine the painting that would be necessary for this size of space, and I do love me some white rooms.
The large windows just scream city loft, how incredibly dreamy is that concept?
It's like what you see in movies. Gotta love that.
images were sourced here...

NYC House Tour: Stylish living in Brooklyn

Brooklyn is one of those places that you just can't hate. While I am a total Manhattan kind of girl, Brooklyn does have a small part of my heart. There are so many great restaurants, shops, things to do and see and I do have a heart for the hip people. The best part GHBFVVSC194018856 Brooklyn...the space! I continually dream of living in a much, much bigger apartment and it seems as if I gave life in Brooklyn an opportunity, that dream just might come true. 
This townhome featured in Architectural Digest totally gives me some inspiration. It's incredibly gorgeous...
Even with white walls the place is loaded with serious style. The artwork all over the walls is a huge part of what makes it so chic. Oh, and of course the pops of turquoise help too,
These deliciously glossy dark brown walls + tiger print chair are majorly FABULOUS! 
How perfect are these red chairs in that garden area? In the springtime I bet this outdoor space is just killer. Wow. Doesn't it just make you want to move to Brooklyn? 
well...not really but at least we can daydream.

images seen at luxe + lillies via AD.

HGTV & the Novogratz rock it out in my NYC neighborhood!

Have you guys been watching the Novogratz show on HGTV? First of all, I love that HGTV is taking things in a new direction with this hip and stylish design duo. I had the pleasure of meeting courtney and chatting with her GHBFVVSC194018856 all things design, and let me tell you...she is a blast, a truly sweet person. Gotta love that...

Well, this Saturdays episode is sure to rock your socks off. They took a  2,000 square foot penthouse apartment right in my Gramercy Park neighborhood (the best hood) with 180-degree views of NYC and did a "design blowout"! They turned it from all white + uninteresting to über-chic quickly and with a super small budget.  Using pops of color, cool art, an array of accessories, a fireplace tower and spectacular lighting (not to mention a “Family” rug from their upcoming home décor collection, NOVOGRATZ! Exciting things to come for this power duo. 

How powerful is this space? It's the perfect summertime space.
images: matthew williams

The Decorista Library: Metropolitan Home Design 100

 So loving this book right now. Design 100 by the powerhouse publishers, Filipacci, knocked it out of the "design" park with this one. It features 100 of the best of the best elements of design. Genius! I actually learned a lot reading this book, it opened my eyes to designs that I never would have dreamt of.

I was impressed by the amazing pages...

The Most Relaxing Beach House in the Hamptons
 p. 109: Photo by Vincente Wolf, courtesy of Filipacchi Publishing, 2010
Hippest Take on Builder Standard, Chicago, Illinois
p171: Photo by Nathan Kirkman, courtesy of Filipacchi Publishing, 2010 
Most Fashionable Makeover of a Georgian Townhouse, London, England
p.118-119: Photo by David Garcia, courtesy of Filipacchi Publishing, 2010 

the decorista NYC apartment inspiration {alexander wang}

For the time being I am staying with family in NYC and have now made the decision to get my very own apartment in the city. So this weekend I will be prancing merrily around the town looking at real estate...something I truly love. There is so much to consider when hunting for a space (i am open to any and all advice) but of course all I can think GHBFVVSC194018856 is the inspiration. This alexander wang apartment is so right up my alley. I love the dreamy light walls, and accents of black and white glamour. What girl wouldn't love this high glossy style.
to see the rest of this breathtaking manhattan apt...
interior design by ryan korban via this is glamorous

interior designer crush: Sabrina Linn

I have a new design crush. Sabrina Linn, an interior designer based in Toronto, Canada, has captivated my eyes with her bright and beautiful designs. Her portfolio is full of goodness that is sure to make any decorista smile. She also has gorgeous collections of pillows available which are such fun to look at. 
How gorgeous is this sunny, full of style penthouse loft? I'm absolutely smitten with the pops of orange and yellow. Oh, and the tiger art piece too!
To see the rest of this gorgeous loft...

images from here

The Art of Living...using the right light fixtures

One of the things GHBFVVSC194018856 living in a modern building that is not my favorite thing is standard lighting. I have a client with a gorgeous condo in a beautiful uptown high rise. It's absolutely gorgeous with floor to ceiling windows. During the day, the view of the city is immaculate and the beautiful bright light just nourishes the apartment so well. Problem is, they don't have adequate light at night. (who are these architects? jk) So today. all that is on my mind is out of this world light fixtures. I'm obsessed with finding things that have major style but also will give some good light.

In my search, I have found myself fawning over gorgeously designed light fixtures. Modern, rustic, retro, vintage, glass, lucite, there are just so many. I can only express how important it is to remember that even though its gorgeous, it needs to do its job, too! 
Isn't this such a fun brass sconce? So vintage + cool.

images via headoverheels

rooms that rock my world! {rock star glamour}

Completely crushing on this fabulous bedroom nestled in the hills of Los Angeles.
Ever so feminine elements mingle with a bit of rock star glammah and the outcome is modern + perfectly chic.
Fireplace, a round setee, YSL pumps, crystal lamps and stunning, colorful photography are the epitome of LA style. I love it.
Such a lovely job done my Molly Luetkemeyer...I have always been so fond of her work.

elements of style

okay! i have a new blog/design crush. Erin Gates of 'elements of style blog' has some style that i can relate to. oh she has my dream life, designing and planning fashion events. it all correlates together when you have a super creative i do. you are my hero erin gates!

Here are some of my favorite images from her site.
this aqua armoire is to DIE for
i am crazy GHBFVVSC194018856 this setee and the awesome inspiration board above it. rawk it.

i HEART the color coding book system and the pans just out and ready for show and tell

betsey burnham

Betsey Burnham is a brilliant interior designer. she has a talent for creating a traditional feeling space while keeping it funky and fresh. she designs wildly colorful rooms by incorporating pieces and moods from different cultures from all over the world. Though they feel ornate, her spaces are always extremely comforatble and have a very inviting feeling. Her rooms are indulgences for the 5 senses. This woman is supremely stylish...need I mention GLAMOROUS!?!?

*above is her home office

Happy Chic

Johnathan Adler happens to be one of the best in the business as far as modern design goes. His style is funky, colorful and outrageously happy! I find myself stalking his website all the time. His store in LA is super hip, its on melrose and i find myself going out of my way just to go by it. Just looking at his colorful rooms can give you inspiration for different rooms throughout your house. He dares you to dream, to not be afraid of over-the-top style. Here are his 10 commandments of them, i think you might find some inspiration! His blog is a nice treat too.

Thou shalt embrace maximalism.Thou wilt find minimalism to be something of a bummer in thy abode. Thou wilt grow tired of an endless sea of beige and thou wilt long for a splash of color & a dollop of pattern! Bargello pillows, Furnace bottles, and rustic modern lamps - these shalt be the accessories that add some panache to your pad.
Thou shalt not deny thyself hotelish comfort at home.Thou shalt furnish thy rooms with paw-pampering, hand-loomed llama wool rugs, luxurious lighting and our fabulous furniture.Thy rooms shalt feel like the most opulent hotel rooms in which thou hast ever stayed.Thou art worth it.
Thou shalt buy an X-Bench.Then, thou shalt buy another. Thou shalt use them in pairs, perfect under thy console or placed near thy sofa. Thou shalt rest thy feet upon them & so will thy guests. In fact, thy guests might even fight over who gets to rest upon them. Therefore, thou shalt establish house rules GHBFVVSC194018856 thy X-Benches. Perhaps thou should consider a sign up sheet. #4
If thy nest needeth zest,consider thy crest!Thou shalt emblazon with thine initials wherever possible.
Thou shalt mix fancy with frisky.Thou shalt not be overly formal, for if thou art, thou will be sad. Conversely, thou shalt not be overly whimsical, for if thou art thou will not feel chic. Therefore, thou shalt embrace a mix, pairing the chic classical foundation - excellent proportions, classic furniture - with a layer of playful punctuation. Then thou shalt rest.
Thou shalt honor the funsters of yore.David Hicks, Alexander Girard, Piero Fornasetti, Bonnie Cashin, Bjorn Wiinblad - if thou dost not knoweth them, thou should. Thou can use Google Images to learn more GHBFVVSC194018856 them and thou shalt channel their fun, idiosyncratic, playful spirit in thine own interiors. Thy home will be fun, happy, and chic.
Thou shalt not commit murder,unless thou art murdering for a decorative accessory.If thou should find thyself at one of our stores and seeth the last bird bowl on our shelf, thou shalt feel free to use whatever means necessary to obtain that special something.
Thou shalt not be afraid of orange.Thou shalt use orange copiously in thy interior, whether it beeth in an orange breakfast room or via the zing of an orange lacquered box. Thou might even consider painting thy front door orange to pique thy neighbor's curiosity. Thou shalt also covet chocolate brown.
Thou shalt play ping pong.Better still, thou shalt have a ping pong table in thy living room. Then, lo, thou shalt play ping pong with thy spouse rather than sitting around watching thy tv. #10
Thou shalt not covetthy neighbor's house. In fact, after following these 10 commandments, thy neighbor might covet thy house. So there.
His book is amazing! Check it out.