Weekend Decorating Idea: creative wall decor

The weekend is here and I am so ready to get my decorate on. Especially after that photoshoot yesterday, I am just incredibly inspired. What is on my radar this weekend, putting my favorite things on the wall. I love really great wall collections, and the great thing GHBFVVSC194018856 it is that it can be ever changing. There is something really invigorating GHBFVVSC194018856 changing wall decor, it's an instant mood lifter. So this weekend, why not go to a local flea market, home decor shop or even your own closet and find some of your favorite things to display on the wall. Album covers, family photos, vintage art or even your favorite necklaces will suffice...Happy decorating! 


Wallcolor Wednesday... multi faceted color

How fabulous is this mutli colored room? Reminds me a little of a global or exotic hotel that I'm dying to escape to. I love that there are 3 different colors of paint used here... its just so rich + saturated. I am all GHBFVVSC194018856 bold colors + mixing it up lately. Which lead me to believe a little bit more in mixing wall colors, I am usually not a fan but these well done combinations are twisting my arm and have me thinking...
"I can work with that!"

images 1|2|3|4|5|6

Weekend decorating Idea: wall of fabric in the bedroom

Want to give your bedroom even more of a pick me up and that cozy-licious element? 
Try adding a drapes behind the bed for an ultra romantic effect. I love the look of a canopied bed and most of you agreed. However, its not that easy to whip up a four poster number. Something you can try over the weekend though, is hanging some fabric panels behind your bed. 
Instant domestic bliss! Happy Weekend decorating everyone! 

I am actually drawn to walls of fabric no matter what room they are in...like this green room for example.
Eclectic, glamourous and so very lovely.

images via tumblr (not sure of sources, if you have an idea where they are from, let me know)

The Decorista tip of the day...moments of red

Every so often I run into the friend who is in desperate need of updating their decor. Yet, we run into the  same old problem...white walls. One sure fire way to freshen up white walls is to throw in a bit of red to the mix. Instantly brightens things up. I am loving this eclectic and bohemian mix. 

this home is the home of the talented designer Cristina Re