The Decorista tip of the day...decorate with wooden frames

I am still on a little buzz GHBFVVSC194018856 the new year and 2012. I am just loving this year already. One thing I have noticed is that I am all GHBFVVSC194018856 natural and organic elements things this year. Nude colors and wood grains in the home are rocking my world. So. lately I have been crushing on natural tone frames within an art wall... 

I personally like mixing in other elements of glamour so as not to get too earthy. 
I love the crisp white sofa mixed with wood. Its very soothing...
A few wooden frames mixed in with white and black is a great look too...

I do love this pop of wood on the mirror in this room by Jenny Komenda...cute huh?

images via here + here

The Decorista tip of the day...get an arch lamp asap

 The weather here in the city is rather odd lately, gorgeous one day, rainy and gross the next. I had a lot of time inside the apartment and was thinking GHBFVVSC194018856 an easy way to glam up the living room. I had a marvelous idea, To get a little extra something in your space, get an arch lamp. They are gorgeous, modern, sexy and oh so glamorous! I am currently obsessed with the look of these bad boys. 

Anyone who has an arch lamp in their home has mad style. Everytime. They are just the thing to take your decor to the next level. How gorgeous does this room look with an arch lamp? Loving the tiger pillows and red leather club chairs. MEow! 


The Decorista tip of the day...go light white and global

Since spring has arrived, finally. If you haven't already, I do encourage you all to switch up your bedding to bright, light and white cottons. There is something so luxurious GHBFVVSC194018856 slipping into crisp white sheets. Now I know that a lot of you can't bare the thought of all white (color lovers like me!) and I completely understand. I have the solution! Grab a fabulous, and exotic patterned quilt and throw it on the end of your bed. It adds a little something fun, playful and gives you total style without weighing down your bed! Loving these gorgeous prints....


The Decorista tip of the day...moments of red

Every so often I run into the friend who is in desperate need of updating their decor. Yet, we run into the  same old problem...white walls. One sure fire way to freshen up white walls is to throw in a bit of red to the mix. Instantly brightens things up. I am loving this eclectic and bohemian mix. 

this home is the home of the talented designer Cristina Re

The Decorista tip of the day: decorate with juju hats

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend. 
I had a whirlwind of a weekend. So, I stumbled upon this seriously good flea market in Chelsea yesterday. Oh my goodness, it was like christmas morning with all of the gorgeous goodies...more than I could have imagined. It was a pleasant surprise to find an exotic dealer who had a beautiful assortment of bright and colorful juju hats. I found myself needing one badly. They are so delicious in person, if you don't have one yet, get one. They are still very much in style. Love them!

see how fabulous they look on the walls...

The Decorista tip of the day.... little bit of pink

Okay so most of us love a good art wall but we mostly see the same black and white look. I love this idea of adding pink matting to an art wall collection. It can pull together all kinds of different artwork for a really polished look. You don't need pink to make it work, blue, green or even orange will work...I adore it.
image via kelly green.

The Decorista tip of the day...go for serene in the bedroom

via livelikeyou
This weekend I was in such need for a good nights rest. Then I realized why its so important to make sure your bedroom is a peaceful haven to retire to. I think its perfectly okay to go with very light or no color in the bedroom (even though I am usually all GHBFVVSC194018856 color). Have you ever noticed how all white bedding is just so inviting? Pattern is more than welcome in a serene bedroom just keep it monochromatic. I am absolutely loving these bedrooms that give my eyes complete peace. 
So, when decorating your bedroom, make sure to create a place that draws you in.
Your body will totally thank you! 

The Decorista tip of the day... how to add a punch of fun color

If you are at the hardware store this weekend...
pick up some paint swatches for your home decor.
This is such a genius idea to add a punch of colorful fun to your kid room decor!


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