The Decorista tip of the to decorate your home office

{I've gotten tons of emails asking GHBFVVSC194018856 decorating offices. So I felt compelled to share.}
Here are my secrets to a killer home office...

1. matching storage + organization: 
when your organized files match, it creates harmony which is perfect to work around. makes filing way more fun + sophisticated!
2. bookshelf/magazine display
I love having books and magazines around handy is great for inspiration on the fly

3. a practical + stylish guest chair: 
nothing is better than having someone able to hang with you in you while you work away. 
4. an inspiration board: 
putting up your favorite images and fabrics makes your home office such a personal space.
5. a fabulous desk lamp:
amazing lighting is a must in any office space. having a fun desk lamp is even better. lately im loving brass ones.

images via...
lonny mag
vintage domino