My Springtime accessories...

This seasons High Point Market is fast approaching (I fly out this weekend) and I'm scrambling to try and find things to pack. With so many showrooms to see, parties to attend, meetings to get to I need to be smart GHBFVVSC194018856 what I choose to bring with me. Days are long, but incredibly exciting...who's coming with me?
Thanks to Coach I have been supplied with my shoe essentials from their new spring collection which I must say, metallics and wicker weaving are everything right now.

Now that I'm all set with footwear, what I really need to find is the perfect handbag. Something in a great color for spring time in the city and also big enough to carry around all of my decorista tools + supplies. There are so many chic bags out there, I need your help deciding which one to go with. I'm a very classic girl so I like clean lines and beautiful colors.