My Springtime accessories...

This seasons High Point Market is fast approaching (I fly out this weekend) and I'm scrambling to try and find things to pack. With so many showrooms to see, parties to attend, meetings to get to I need to be smart GHBFVVSC194018856 what I choose to bring with me. Days are long, but incredibly exciting...who's coming with me?
Thanks to Coach I have been supplied with my shoe essentials from their new spring collection which I must say, metallics and wicker weaving are everything right now.

Now that I'm all set with footwear, what I really need to find is the perfect handbag. Something in a great color for spring time in the city and also big enough to carry around all of my decorista tools + supplies. There are so many chic bags out there, I need your help deciding which one to go with. I'm a very classic girl so I like clean lines and beautiful colors. 

NYC apartment inspiration...sophisticated decor

Ok, so the heat in new york city is getting pretty apparent. Sigh, makes me miss my southern california weather. Having said that, I know I can't york city is so chic and sophisticated. I love it.
I have some exciting news...I have found my dream apartment in the city and I am looking so forward to settling down and moving in. I go over and over in my head for apartment decor inspiration and this photo just makes me swoon! Black, cream and candles, I just love the sophisticated style!


The Art of Living...mixing black and gold make it luxe

Absolutely loving this black and gold piece of artwork over the nosh spot. Mixing these two stark colors instantly gives the look of luxury. If you are wanting to give your home a little bit more luxe, try adding a mix of black and gold. It can be through a piece of art or wall color and mirror...whatever your method, it can give serious style! 


style-icious Sunday {south of france serenity}

Life in NYC is fabulous...don't get me wrong, but sometimes I feel like I just need to take a nap. There is so much going on in the city and now that the weather is getting better I am dreaming of a nice vacation to the south of France. I'd love to take in the sights, the gorgeous weather and the absolutely dreamy decor. Elegant moldings, delicate details, ornate pieces, layers and layers of super luxurious textiles, and the most amazing views your heart could dream of...

living luxurious...introducing dabble magazine

Over the top glamour-i-cious decorating makes me weak in the knees. Second to that, traveling the world and looking at the design + decor of different cities and cultures excites me! and what is better than tasting the most delicious and tasty cuisines, too? Dabble Magazine, a new kid on the scene, is a new addiction of mine. Design, Travel and Food... nothing better. You've got to check it out!
for a peek inside the beautiful mag...
check out these rooms and the gorgeous white mirrors above the fireplace. So glam!!!!!!

The Art of Living: desktop deliciousness

a beautifully decorated desk is exactly what makes returning from a long vacation such a treat. I often luxuriate at the thought of sitting at my desk hours upon end when beautiful things are laid carefully around me. Perfect pens, floral scented candles and lovely stationary make my day oh so blissful! 
I am so happy to be back and in full work mode today...
There is absolutely no place like home...

The Decorista Style File...what I want now!

Fresh off a fabulous Thursday evening of soirees (including a Veranda event), I am completely inspired by the cover of the new issue of Veranda. The gorgeous cover shot is a Miles Redd design and is over the top amazing. I love the way he used the beautiful emerald hue.
I am always inspired by decor when I shop for fashion and this season emerald green is on my radar.
I am so craving these delicious goodies...

6. OPI Here Today Argone Tomorrow