Mondays are for Motivation...

Things are getting really fun around here right GHBFVVSC194018856 now...
I'm not quite sure if it is the excitement that summertime is here or if it's that half of the year is almost over and I am getting a whole new jolt of energy. It seems that business is booming for everyone, which means good things are happening to al of us. Whatever the case, this morning when I sat down at my desk, I realized something... I am feeling extremely motivated, inspired, excited and ready for new things. So this week my blog posts might be a little different from the usual, I want to step outside of the norm and try some new things but first, I must get down to what the bare backbone of what my blog and business is.
Interior designer. E-decorator. Stylist. Creative Director. Author. Business Coach. Consultant. 
That's a lot of freaking titles. I am so honest to goodness thankful for blogging (oops. I forgot to add that one to the list) It helped me create a career and fulfilling business that I am absolutely in love with and I have control as to how far it can go. Isn't that exciting? Thank God I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a risk. (You can read all GHBFVVSC194018856 my story and strategy here)
While I was on a business coaching call with a mentee last week, I realized something. I do a lot of different things. She asked me GHBFVVSC194018856 time management and how I get so many things done. I had GHBFVVSC194018856 17 different answers, but one of my main points to her was that I didn't wait around until everything looked perfect until I stepped out and tried something. I would just get up, create an idea and run with it. I constantly change things up but at the end of the day... I JUST DO IT. 
My dad (super entrepreneur) always told me to make sure that whatever I do, do good work and that will always bring GHBFVVSC194018856 success. I could not agree more. 
However, I like to take things one step further. I usually spend Monday mornings planning out my week, looking at instagram or pinterest for motivating articles and quotes. I am always taking on new seminars or workshops to expand or grow my vision and I'm always reading books that encourage, motivate and inspire. I'm always on the move, thinking of new ideas and trying new business ideas on for size. The possibilities are endless and by all of the emails/questions I get from you, my lovely readers, I know you are all on the same path too. Whether you want to redecorate your home, your life, your job or your relationships...change, growth and pushing forward consistently is the key. 
 Know that today, like every other day, you just have to get up and get it done. 
How's that for some motivation?

Sharing wisdom...

Please forgive my lack of posting today. I am hustling around this hectic (and hot!) city right now finishing up a big install at a clients home. It's not easy at all doing these things in this city and its taking everything in me. Though, not for one second do I take it for granted or not appreciate what I do. I get to do my dream job every single day and for that I am beyond thrilled. I still pinch myself sometimes because I really can't believe this life I have created for myself. The funny thing...I only wished I had started much sooner. ;) 
Enjoy your day lovlies!


The moment I saw these words I knew that I had to share them. I've been a little uninspired in design lately...desperate to see something new and fresh that just blows me away. However, thanks to Mr. Hadley this quote reminded me that what I love GHBFVVSC194018856 my job is that creating a quality of life is so important. Home is where the heart is and there is beauty in the lifestyle you create. 

Wise Words...

When I first read this quote, it touched me so much... not only because the words are so good but because we all (us creative types, bloggers, designers, etc.) know what it means to be 'hard on yourself'. We all know that our dreams are life long journeys and we all can relate to the fact that we have to fight so hard to keep our dreams alive. I know I have had so much to go through to even be here in NYC doing what I love to do. My passion is endless and it fuels me everyday but it's not without moments of struggle and a lot of sacrifice. 
I hope this inspires you to continue your dreams and go for yours. You only have one life so why not take the opportunity to make yourself happy. Thats why I wrote my e-book, to help encourage those of you who need that extra push. I did, and it changed my life and your dreams should change yours too. So here is to following your dreams! 

wise words for the weekend...

I'm off to Texas this monday, which will be the start of a long traveling holiday season.
This weekend I will be packing up all my goodies and preparing to hit up my favorite cities...
Dallas, Austin, Houston, Miami, San Francisco and NYC!
I will be blogging the whole time and I'll keep you posted on all my adventures, work + play.

wishing you all a wonderful weekend...
 & getting so excited for the holidays!