office space of the day...ORANGE curtains

No matter what season it is, ORANGE is one of those colors that translates through all seasons and styles. Its the most favorited color of the world. I wouldn't normally choose this color in my home (aside from displaying Hermes boxes GHBFVVSC194018856 my space) but I find myself a fan of luxurious and rich orange curtains...
pale blue walls + gold frames + carved desk + jute rug + luxurious orange curtains =
domestic bliss



 I hope this post serves as a sort of public service announcement. I'm currently working with a new client on a living room space. They have some great pieces like a rug and sofa but just really don't know where to start. What I immediately noticed was their gorgeous and big bare windows. For me, when it comes to decorating, first thing you need to do to make a home warm and cozy...

 Honestly, curtains are like makeup, they complement the windows and highlight the bones of a room. They can make your space look taller, add a dose of gorgeous color, block out too much lighting, give extra texture + dimension, etc. There are so many things that gorgeous textiles will do for your space. Especially if you are renting and can't paint the walls, curtains can give you just what you need. If you don't have curtains up and are wanting to add a little something to your space go, get some and hang them! 
 Now, if you are wondering what kind of curtain or panel you should buy, beautiful curtains range all different colors, shapes, lengths, patterns, etc. I prefer to keep the pattern very simple, nothing too dramatic or busy but with bold color. Make sure to measure your windows correctly and always go a bit longer, the more fabric the better. 
 I love the look of color on color, like this kelly green on chartreuse green. In my apartment I have grey on greige and I love the way it looks almost monochromatic-like. 
Mixing colors works great too, this hot pink on brown walls is such a chic mix and light blue walls with a dash of lipstick red just makes the room have instant swagger. My decorista brain is just brimming with ideas for my new apartment, I am beyond thrilled to incorporate some fresh new color combinations, especially with this new little fashion inspired philosophy I have going on.
images via: one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight

The Art of Living: WINDOW WONDERS

Every once in a while you happen upon a space thats a little odd in design. Especially the modern buildings around downtown NYC. The shapes of the buildings aren't traditional at all, so when it comes to decorating, you have to get creative. Windows can always be an interesting spot. Sometimes you have that extra or irregular window and no idea what to do around it. So, I've been on the hunt for some intoxicating and innovative inspiration...

1-unknown 2- 3-elledecor 4-tranquil 5-pinterest

wonderful walls of windows

My favorite thing GHBFVVSC194018856 being on the west coast is the amazing walls of windows. I am in Las Vegas checking out the LV Market and getting familiar with what is the latest and greatest in the design scene. I am loving every minute of it and also getting prepared for my sisters wedding on Saturday in the OC. Lots and lots to do but what is taking my breath away while I am here is the amazing homes with windows with ridiculous views. Gosh I miss the west coast...


{unknown. becauseimaddicted. styleessentials. eclecticrevisited. devayos. }

curtain cornice box or not?

With a crazy weekend and week ahead of me, I am in a super hurry to get my apartment decor all put together...

I have a wedding this weekend, guests that I am hosting and so many events next week for fashion week, my calendar is looking like a coloring book. Sigh.
So one of my personal necessities is to finish my windows (they are the eyes of the home, no?)
I have beautiful drapes that hang and cover my windows, but I am absolutely in love with the tailored look of beautiful cornice boxes to match. So polished and glam...which must mean I need to have one too. I think my favorite are the ones with really fabulous trim and detail, don't you guys agree?
a gorgeous mary macdonald room. die! 
I especially love this flowy valance...

The Art of Living...gorgeous natural light

As I have been endlessly searching for the perfect apartment in the city, I have come to realize that you just can't have it all. Well, maybe you can on the upper west side but anywhere in the middle of Manhattan you are probably going to compromise on an amenity or two. I have come to terms with maybe not the perfect sized closet or bathroom but something I will not part with...ample sunlight. I simply could never wake up to a dark apartment and be happy. Sunshine makes me utterly blissful and how beautiful are those morning coffee moments with bright sunlight? 

images via everythingfab and decoristadaydreams

Amazing angles (interiors photography)

I love interiors photography. I honestly wish I was better at taking photos, or just had a better camera.
Being on so many sets lately has taught me so much GHBFVVSC194018856 angels and how to shoot. 
So much more goes into a photoshoot than meets the eye.
I'm just crazy GHBFVVSC194018856 these curious angles in the photos above. 
Very effortless looking, but probably really well thought out.

bliss in the kitch'...A white window wonderland

Okay, seriously, I just can't get over this kitchen.
The all white glossiness of this kitchen is amazing.
The white cowhide rug, the tartan covered settee, the pops of gray, the fabulous lamps, and definitely not to be missed is that incredible sink faucet...
did I mention the amazing windows?
Definitely a Sunday morning spot!
So gorgeous + dreamy! sigh.
