1 black and white rug... 4 ways

This black and white rug is an oldie but such a goodie...
Lately, I have been thinking GHBFVVSC194018856 putting this rug in my living room. I love high contrast black and white, but I want something with movement and my chevron rug bores me. I got rid of that and opened my living room up for something new. I am even considering a little color on the wall. Life is just so much more fun when you constantly change things up. It keeps your life fresh and exciting, no?
It looks good in almost every style, no?

sources: 1//2//3//4

Leopard Rugs

I'm hopping around all day attending the events of LCDQ and loving every minute of it...
However, early this morning while doing some work research, I spotted this photo and it not only inspired a look for a current clients bedroom, it also inspired my outfit today. Leopard is everything.
 Sometimes a leopard rug is what you need to complete the look of a room with panache. For my client's bedroom, I'm thinking soft and pale everywhere and a pop of leopard in the rug. It would be so romantic and dreamy with a little personality. Just like her. 

images via animalistic


With all the blues and greens of summer, there is nothing like splashing in a bit of berry colors to the mix of your home decor. One way to do that with style is in a gorgeously exotic rug...

We all know how much I adore pink and I find some of these to be completely covetable for any look. Magenta, rose, strawberry red and even blush all can complement the most modern and masculine of styles. 
After seeing a few of these looks, I am completely inspired! 


So right now...cowhide rugs

Loving cowhide rugs right now, and they are everywhere!!! Each time I see one their style has just "made the room" so to speak. I feel like they are a twist on the fabulousness of a zebra rug and I'm so glad we have a little zebra breathing room in the world. It's always good to change it up. I just got my hands on a metallic white cowhide rug and I must say, I am kind of in love!

A pink zebra rug really pops against the dark wood walls...
Black in the bathroom totally adds a little sexy.
completely into the look. Get one if you can!


5 rugs I absolutely LOVE and cant get enough of

The moment I spotted this rug, I fell madly in love. It's more than just a dining room rug, its a show stopper! Tony Duquette has such great style, I just never can get enough. Right? 

for the rest of my favorites...
these moroccan rugs are the perfect neutral for any room
a leopard rug will always strike my fancy...
I love these bright colors in this exotic rug too. 
and as always zebra rugs look fantastic in solid black and white...
oh and I almost forgot...an old favorite Missoni!


office space of the day... caitlin wilson designs with pink

since we are talking GHBFVVSC194018856 pink today...
I am so in love with this playful office decorated by caitlin wilson. love her.

pink walls + geometric print curtains + black accessories + funky rug + clean white desk =
domestic bliss
to see the rest of this gorgeous space

office space of the day...fabulously black and brass

black walls + gold accents + gorgeous lucite desk + faded blue rug + brown leather chairs =
domestic bliss

So, I don't think I could ever get enough of dark black walls. Every single time I see a black room, I am stunned by the beauty of it. Is it odd that I mostly have black in my closet too? I love black...its classic, simple, elegant, edgy, and it goes with everything! 

bliss in the kitch' ...black and yellow splendor

The minute I laid eyes on this photo by Laure Joliet, I was done.
It's just delicious. 
Hello, notice the yellow and white striped outdoor area, complete with an aqua rocker. 
I am forever a fan of cowhide rugs and Saarinen looking tables, of course. Swoon
The playfulness of these elements are absolute perfection.
The chairs are so incredibly genius with the dark walls and black + white cabinetry.
Not to mention the ever so funky chandelier.
loving it!

The Decorista tip of the day... get on board with 2011 decor trends

2011 is sure to be a fantastic year! I am so excited GHBFVVSC194018856 what is to come in the new year for decor.
The magazines are only getting better and blogging has totally revolutionized the way I see decor trends, it's just fabulous + I can't get enough of it.
Here are a few trends that I am uber thrilled GHBFVVSC194018856 for this next season...

secret of domestic bliss #37...simple touches of fur

Oh how these chilly LA days are so blissful. The crisp air outside combined with the beautiful sunshine just makes me so happy. As the cold air outside permeates indoors through my apartments' open windows, I am longing for warmer textures. 
I love to add to the coziness in my home by simply placing small touches of faux fur all around me.
Whether it be through a fur throw or a fabulous fur rug, I love how fur instantly transforms your space to comfortable glamour so effortlessly.

and this is what it looks like white a whole lotta fur loveliness...

The Decorista Trend Spotting...cowhide meets zebra

I have spotted this look a few places now and the jury is still out.
I am really on board with the look of layered rugs, however have yet to try layering animal hide rugs.
In this particular room I think its smashing but I am not completely sold yet.
What do we think of this trend?

and speaking of animal prints...
I have a very big crush on this set of leopard sheets from Ballard Designs,
thanks to miss Katie A.
What am I going to do until I get a set in my hands? They are so light & dreamy.
Oh my, I think I have fallen in love.

bliss in the kitch'...A white window wonderland

Okay, seriously, I just can't get over this kitchen.
The all white glossiness of this kitchen is amazing.
The white cowhide rug, the tartan covered settee, the pops of gray, the fabulous lamps, and definitely not to be missed is that incredible sink faucet...
did I mention the amazing windows?
Definitely a Sunday morning spot!
So gorgeous + dreamy! sigh.


Inspired decorating...mexican romance

I am always inspired by different cultures and the emotions that go into the surroundings.
Being that I am part latina, I love anything and everything with a little bit of culture.
 These gorgeous rooms conjure up feelings of 'mexican romance' to me...
I am just smitten with them.

Makes me really want to have one of these Vintage Bolivian Rugs from Furbish, stat!
They are gorgeous, no?