Seriously in LOVE with Gabriel...

I literally have not seen design richness like this in a while. I have been awaiting someone new to be inspired by and this Gabriel Hendifar fellow is just knocking my socks off...
Hello black luscious gosh I dream of living in something like you.
The aqua and turquoise flamestich-ish fabric on those chairs just moves me. 
How GHBFVVSC194018856 these incredibly acrylic and leather seats below. Hello! 
They work wonderfully next to the studded black, leather yellow and curvy legs on that killer tortiseshell table. 
These acrylic stools are sexy too!  
images via elements of style.

secret of domestic bliss #37...simple touches of fur

Oh how these chilly LA days are so blissful. The crisp air outside combined with the beautiful sunshine just makes me so happy. As the cold air outside permeates indoors through my apartments' open windows, I am longing for warmer textures. 
I love to add to the coziness in my home by simply placing small touches of faux fur all around me.
Whether it be through a fur throw or a fabulous fur rug, I love how fur instantly transforms your space to comfortable glamour so effortlessly.

and this is what it looks like white a whole lotta fur loveliness...

the Art of Living...cocktail hour

The ubiquitous bar cart.
We all love it. We all need it. We all want it.
So why not make a nod to the timeless phrase 'cocktail hour' and create an adorable + stylish space for 
your refreshments.
Even if you aren't a big drinker you can really still make stylish bar accommodations
for your digs. I like to make a big pitcher of cucumber water or lemonade and I do love the way green Pellegrino bottles look in the home. 

(see that cute one in the back? adorable)
southern accents

The Art of a starlet

make like Lauren Conrad and throw a dinner party.
(She tweeted this pic of her place.)
Throw down a zebra rug, mix floral + studded dining chairs, light white candles in clear glass hurricanes and sprinkle in some pink tulips and
voila...starlet dinner party!

and in other blissful news...
added my blog to her
wow. i feel so honored because girl is a rockstar!

this march i'm crushing on...

this bright white room + yellow lamp

this fantastically green sunburst mirror...
so different from the ordinary gold or plain mirrored ones.
this bright + beautiful apartment of this super cute couple.
I'm really in love with that pair of cozy white chairs.
this beautiful home. if only i lived in a place where homes that looked like this didn't cost millions of dollars (sometimes i do miss my hometown)
ultimately i really do love the fact that i live near the ocean.
The ocean is absolutely my bliss!
and I am 100 % in love with this living room...i'm secretly wishing i could have my morning coffee on that cute pink outdoor table.

image courtesy of modgirl + fourwallsandaroof + design59 + glamlamb