office space of the day...secrets of success

Glass desk + pops of yellow + pair of french chairs + beautiful flowers + journals =
domestic bliss
This year I have switched things up a little bit in my home office. I have cleared out all the clutter and am working from an entire new place & perspective. Also, in my business, I have added a whole new branch of services in addition to my designing. I will now officially be consulting and coaching other businesses in our industry on business strategy and growth. It's making me really gear up this year and take things to the NEXT LEVEL. 
So, its essential that I be very proactive in how I do things. First up, setting goals and visioning out my year in 2013...
It's so important that we set goals, not just yearly but daily, you know?
In fact, I am getting a new journal for 2013 & I can't decide between these cute ones...

BLOGLOVIN' is for more than just bloggers

Today something HUGE occurred to me. I can't lie. I have been so overwhelmed with work and creating things lately, I don't know whats going on in the blog world. Most of my best friends are bloggers and I have no idea what they are up to lately because I spend so much time on Pinterest + Instagram. Which is fine, but as a blogger, I recognize the importance of keeping up with my fellow decoristas online and I went straight to BLOGLOVIN' to help me out. It's my fave source for reading my favorite blogs and keeping up to date. 
DO YOU GUYS BLOGLOVIN' too? If not, join in the party + follow

A letter to EVERY GIRL...

If you didn't get a chance to visit the new site THE EVERY GIRL, you must do it now! Recently, two of my sweet blogging friends Alaina and Danielle joined forces to bring a brand new site where us girls can go to be encouraged and inspired! It's incredible.
It was an honor for myself and my little new york studio apartment to be featured this last week on the site. It was quite a humbling experience to read my own interview and take a look at my life from an onlookers perspective....

While I have been interviewed and featured before, for some reason this experience brought me to tears. I realized how incredibly blessed I am to be part of the blogging world. From the day I started my blog to now has been such a magical ride. I can remember reading books and magazine articles GHBFVVSC194018856 creative women and how they left their 9-5 to start a creative business and are living the life of their dreams. (Of course, in my head I thought, "if only I had her talent or if only I had her resources, etc..this could go on and on.." but I had to quiet that noise QUICKLY!)
I can remember wanting so bad to be like these women and I truly never, ever even imagined that it could actually ever be me. I can remember working my 9-5 and reading blogs like MadeByGirl and Coco+Kelley and thinking to myself, "wow, now these women inspire me!
So, I started my blog and put my entire heart and soul into the thing. I spent all my time teaching myself computer things and taking seminars and asking questions, etc. I had to figure it all out on my own (which is why I wrote my e-book) My blog nurtured my creativity in the best way. Before I knew it, I found out how many girls there were out there that were just like me and we shared so many creative similarities and not only that, they were such lovely people. 
My friends and family so did not understand and would constantly question me and this silly hobby of mine. My obsession with design and passion for creativity just allowed me to get lost in it all and keep going full steam ahead. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew in my soul I was fulfilling myself with promise and potential and that was all I really needed. 
As I continued to take risks and put myself out there,  I realized that I didn't need family backing or support from friends because I had a huge network and support system right behind me, the amazing design blogging community. (I mean, where on earth does this happen?)
Soon enough, I had the opportunity to come to New York and start my own interior design business. Becoming an entrepreneuress and pursing the career of my dreams has been such a wild ride and probably the hardest thing to do in a big, brand new city. So scary, but I DID IT and I have survived it and I am still going strong. 

What I realized in hind sight, is that living the life of your dreams is absolutely attainable. If you really want it, you can have it. I am absolutely sure of that and I am living proof. 
I really want to thank all of the wonderful people who emailed me with their stories and shared with me how I have inspired them and IT IS TRULY AN HONOR to be that for you. It brings me to tears. Literally.
I also want to thank my readers who share a passion and love for interiors and style and hang out with me on a daily basis. You guys are incredibly awesome and the best part of my life and I love you so much. 
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

3 reasons why I LOVE being a blogger

1. Getting mentioned as inspiration for new bloggers and why they started. Thanks Ana! 

2. Having a junior designer at Studio M include me in her bio as her inspiration! So sweet.

3. knowing that your creative counterparts (like jaime at ISUWANNE) are on the same page.
lets me know i am not the only one with fantastic obsessions like this...
(nothing gets me going like gorgeous metallic wallpaper)
hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

oh and this...
something to get excited GHBFVVSC194018856!

Home Tour: A glamorous pad you don't wanna miss!

 I love me a stylish decorista! 
Tina, my new bff, a blogger and total design freak shared her home tour with me 
and of course, I couldn't wait to share with all of you.
Her and her boyfriend renovated this amazing spread and it is total decorista perfection!
Stripes on walls, deep black curtains, sparkly accessories, amazing artwork, glossy black furniture and lucite goodness. Did I mention that I am crazy GHBFVVSC194018856 the art?
This pad is absolutely my type of space!
love. love. love. love. love.
 see more of Tina's home tour

the Art of Living...cleverly displaying your jewels

The minute I saw this photo, I feel instantly in love.

I took a quick notice at how the lovely jewels are displayed. 
I am always looking for creative ways to hang my necklaces so they are on display + chic.
So I toiled around the blog-o-sphere for a while and checked out how other decorista + fashionista bloggers hang their necklaces.
Some fabulous ideas here ladies, take notes!

lovemaegan. cupcakesandcashmere. scandinavianchic. ariannabelle. rebeccajune. smart+sassy.

the decorista got a makeover...

Thank you so much everyone for the positive feedback on my new look.
I was in desperate need of something a little more ME, 
and I am absolutely horrible at blog design.

So, I want to introduce you to my newest sponsor, friend and blog designer.
(email her for rates)

I fell for her blog designs long ago and finally got the guts to give up trying and
 find someone to help create my new look.
She writes for Blu Label Bungalow blog and moonlights as a blog designer.
See more of her blog designs here. 

inspiring blogger: PoshGlam

The other night the gallery I work at had a huge fashion event to kick off fashion week.

Have you guys ever heard of this blog?
Well, I hadn't either, but this girl is taking over the fashion world.
She started out as just a small blog and has now grown to be 1 of the top 10 fashion blogs in the country.
Her event was outrageous, she had tons of sponsors, a red carpet and everything.
When I asked for her secrets...
She said, she just started writing her thoughts and before she knew it, she was getting
emails from everyone who she looked up to.
And now she has a staff of 5.
This is the beautiful blogger behind the madness, Kimberly Stone.
She is pretty inspiring.

And just for fun, here is a pic of my staff + I at the Gallery. 
We had a superfun time.
So bloggers, keep blogging... you never know where it might lead you!

UPDATE: style secrets
(since you asked...)
Jacket: Vintage Shop in Venice
Shirt: Image
Denim Leggings: DNA

i love blogging...

because I have met so many amazing people.
shared so many amazing stories with women from all over the world.
i love the friendships blogging has brought me.
and i truly love the design inspiration i have found and get to share.

Mariska Meijers is one of those really awesome people. 
My new sponsor from Amsterdam, an artist and a blogger who I absolutely adore.
She was sweet enough to make me a little painting. 
I thought I would share with you all bc i just think its too cute! 

thank you mariska. xoxo

holy makeover!

Oh how I love my readers. I hope you all know that you make my day everyday!
Remember when i posted my secret of domestic bliss #5
on how black is back?
Well, Kerry who blogs at A Tranquil Townhouse
loved that little secret...and after a little conversation
she went from this...
to this!

I guess I was able to convince her to take the plunge.
I'm so completely honored that she took my advice!

I am so glad she did. Now that fantastic white screen makes 
a much bigger statement, don't you think?

to all my blogging friends...

If I had all of your addresses and millions of stamps, 
I would be sending each of you a sweet note personally...
but I am not that well equipped.
I want to thank you all so much for your comments, conversations and encouragement.
I think we all know how awesome it is to relate and connect to one another.
I feel that I am in such great company!
Thank you also, for the comments on my blog layout.
I honestly have no idea what I am doing, and am far far from a graphic designer.
A little trial and error and I am finally figuring my way around this thing.

Lots and lots of love to you all. Hope you had a great weekend.
happy monday!

it's almost here

Valentine's Day is upon us.
I'm busy making my valentines for those I love (see below).

ashlina cole design
(do you like my valentine design?)
It's been so busy around the gallery with event after event I can barely keep up.
But this is one of my favorite holidays, simply for the colors that I get to repeat all over my apartment and I am so excited to be busy creating all this goodness.
So much inspiration is all over the blogosphere, I am absolutely loving it.
Props to all my fellow bloggers! You rock.

Little Green Notebook is hands down one of my favorite blogs. 
It is definitely a daily read of mine and I'm sure everyone else out there as well.
How amazing are Jenny's DIY tips and inspirational words + images?
i love her.
If you haven't seen her blog yet, click on the banner below now!

Here are some
Valentine's Day 
inspired images I found while browsing her awesome blog.

getting snap happy, luxuriously

Ever since becoming a blogger, I have become a little snap happy.
Everywhere I go and everything I do, I want to document it.
Not to mention the fact that I lost my grandfather earlier this year and not only was he an AirForce fighter pilot, but he was a photographer as well.
He took pictures all over the world and thanks to him our family has thousands of happy memories in film or digital form.
Lucky me!
Needless to say, I am ever so anxiously trying to become a leisure photographer.
Simply as a hobby, nothing less, nothing more.

In my research I have learned that LEICA make the best cameras.
And the rockstar that I am, I feel that I must have the best. 
This beautiful orange number is exclusively made by Hermes, only 200 were made. 
Oh how I wish it could be mine...A little, ok maybe a lot, out of my price range, at 14,000$ these bad boys are costly. 
Camera't genius.
I want it sooooo bad!

So I can look like this...

and this...