Style-icious Sunday: rainy day decor inspiration

Such a heavenly sunday in the city today. Rain in the streets and decorating on my mind. I have got to get together some inspiration for my new space. I can't wait to get it all done already, I am the most impatient decorator when it comes to my own space. Today I am inspired by the color palates of these adorable fashionistas with bubble umbrellas, something I definitely wish I had incredibly chic are those sweet umbrellas?


and current love of green! 

The Art of Living...gorgeous natural light

As I have been endlessly searching for the perfect apartment in the city, I have come to realize that you just can't have it all. Well, maybe you can on the upper west side but anywhere in the middle of Manhattan you are probably going to compromise on an amenity or two. I have come to terms with maybe not the perfect sized closet or bathroom but something I will not part with...ample sunlight. I simply could never wake up to a dark apartment and be happy. Sunshine makes me utterly blissful and how beautiful are those morning coffee moments with bright sunlight? 

images via everythingfab and decoristadaydreams

Weekend decorating Idea: wall of fabric in the bedroom

Want to give your bedroom even more of a pick me up and that cozy-licious element? 
Try adding a drapes behind the bed for an ultra romantic effect. I love the look of a canopied bed and most of you agreed. However, its not that easy to whip up a four poster number. Something you can try over the weekend though, is hanging some fabric panels behind your bed. 
Instant domestic bliss! Happy Weekend decorating everyone! 

I am actually drawn to walls of fabric no matter what room they are this green room for example.
Eclectic, glamourous and so very lovely.

images via tumblr (not sure of sources, if you have an idea where they are from, let me know)

Style-icious Sunday {bachelor pad chic}

A little manly glamour for this style filled Sunday. My newest client is a bachelor who is in serious need of some style for his lair. Guys can be so clueless GHBFVVSC194018856 decorating. That's why The Decorista comes to the rescue! Here is some inspiration for the man in your life...

via apartmenttherapy. decorpad. houzz. dapperdude

A Saturday swoon worthy home

As I pack all of my things up this weekend, I find myself already dreaming up what my next home will be decorated like. Visions of so many things dance in my head. I am especially inspired by this eclectic parisian style inspired home. A little bit of modern country, a little bit of glam. 
The turquoise dressers are killing me. I'm crazy GHBFVVSC194018856 them...
and feeling uber inspired.

10 things that rocked my world this week...

 {inspired by Will's lists, I had to do it too because there is so much inspiration out there to share}

1. Mary Macdonald's oh-so-fabulous leopard room.
2. An out of this world Thanksgiving table setting.
3. Glamour, glamour and more glamour from Rue issue 2.
4. The word MAXIMALIST
5. Gold framed favorite.
6. The latest and greatest hits of the bloggerati.
7. anything and everything Miles Redd.
8. This necklace Louise found..she always finds the good stuff.
9. all conversations & FF#'s via twitter.
10. furs & french braids

Design Inspiration... wood is workin it!

There is something GHBFVVSC194018856 wood that really has me intrigued right now.
Amazing wood flooring is breathtaking... fabulous wood furniture is back...
All wood bookcases in a! Wood patio walls...even better!
Gorgeous woods lend to the "industrial revolution" look I am so in love with lately.
In California, many older homes have wood throughout which give such a chic 70's vibe...
I would love to work with one, I can only imagine the fun that would be! *dreaming*

Sneak peek: e-decorating project inspiration

Hi everyone. Gosh, I feel like this week is just flying right on by.
I am currently in the midst of an E-decorating project...and I am in love with it.
Above is a sneak peak of the beginning stages, it's looking sooooo good.
I wanted to share with you, a few of the inspiration photos.
Very classic, black and white little bits of gray and lots of sophistication. 
 I just can't wait to share the final project!!! stay tuned.

currently inspired by...the sparkle & the shine

The weekend has just flown by and I have been bustling around this city I've barely even noticed.There was soiree after soiree, lots of celebrating the launch of my new website, and friends from Texas in town.
One thing I've noticed is that everywhere in LA, the sparkle and the shine, are out in full force. Glossy chandeliers in restaurants, sparkling dresses on many a angeleno, glimmering nail polish colors and glistening candle light. This perfect LA weekend has me totally inspired!

when gloss and sparkle are paired together...the effect is effortlessly glamorous!

images via.
plushpalate. luxeandlillies.

rooms that rock my world! {NYC city girl glamour}

Oh my, the style in this room is such a fashionista meets decorista glam.
I completely fawn over spaces like this. 
Chic gold pieces and layered textures marvel in this super stylish abode.
I could imagine living in NYC and after a full day of walking in 5 inch heels,
coming home to soft music, candlelight and this ubiquitous glamour.

a coveted cover color story...Vogue Living Australia Nov/Dec 2010

Obsessing over the gorgeous & bright colors on the latest cover of Vogue Living Australia.
It's modern, fresh and fantastic. 
I can't wait to devour what's inside... I bet its full of inspiration!
As always, I am up for checking out a peek inside of the famed designer Ilse Crawford.
As for whose home this is on the cover, I have yet to know...but it looks incredibly deelish!

image via tabletonic

Inspired! decorating for the fall

There is something very magical GHBFVVSC194018856 Sunday mornings during fall.
Fall is arguably my favorite time of year.
For some, summertime is for romance, but for romantic mood blossoms in the fall!
Sweaters come out, snuggling in ugg boots, time to get the fireplace going, football season (I am from Texas after all) and most of all the chill in the air, it's all GHBFVVSC194018856 getting cozy!
Something GHBFVVSC194018856 it just warms my heart.
I especially am always drawn to the colors of gorgeous.
I'm inspired to rearrange my living space when the seasons change and this season in no exception.

Deep purples, warm textures, fairy lights, and candle light dinners blend effortlessly together to create the sublime essence of the fall season...behold the magic.
hope you all were inspired...
happy sunday my amazing readers! love to you. xoxo